Bubbler crossed with a gravity


I'm probably not the first to think of this, but I thought that everyone should know about it. I went out to buy a new piece a few weekends ago, and I'm so out of the loop on the latest smoking devices that I bought a bubbler end piece thinking it was a pipe. I'm not proud that I'm too stupid to buy a pipe. Anyway, I get this thing home and I'm trying to figure out how to use it. I go to my special weed cabinet and I find the top to a gravity that got too hot and melted. I had an idea; drill the hole bigger and smoke out of the piece instead of a shitty socket that I've probably had deep inside the part of a stranger's car interior that doesn't get cleaned. I got my stepped drill bit out to open it up. Worked like a charm.

Here are the advantages:
1 Don't have to unscrew the cap to take a hit. Just pull out the piece, put you mouth over the hole, and push the bottle down.
2 The heat of burning is taken away from the plastic.
3 I think it might prevent weed from being blown all over in an accident.

In my opinion, the new setup smokes much better than previously. Do with this information what you will. Thanks for reading.