Building New Growroom


Active Member
I think I'm on the right path... the worst case scenario here I think is that I'll have to buy a new A/C or not run CO2.


am i right that to utilize high co2 (1200+ ppm) you need to be at like 85+ degrees F

if thats right cooling might not be that big of an issue

if you're just supplementing a sealed environment that's a different story though... if that's the case don't set it much higher than what the plants can actually use at the temperature it's set at


Well-Known Member
Yo Mitus, so i started up my AC and sprayed around it with my deoderant and went outside and smelt the exhaust hose and YEP! i could smell the damn fucking deoderant.. fuck man, looks like ill be investing in a split system, fuck fuck shit fuck.


Well-Known Member
I don't plan to alert anyone about my project... I do however plan to have a professional look over my work afterwards and I may even have one do the work if it gets too intimidating.
Be careful about that. He may be require to report it. Especially if there is something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Yo Mitus, so i started up my AC and sprayed around it with my deoderant and went outside and smelt the exhaust hose and YEP! i could smell the damn fucking deoderant.. fuck man, looks like ill be investing in a split system, fuck fuck shit fuck.
you and me both buddy... ill 2nd that fuck fuck shit fuck



Well-Known Member
am i right that to utilize high co2 (1200+ ppm) you need to be at like 85+ degrees F

if thats right cooling might not be that big of an issue

if you're just supplementing a sealed environment that's a different story though... if that's the case don't set it much higher than what the plants can actually use at the temperature it's set at
Yes you are right to assume that CO2 will be taken in much more optimally at temp between 83-85 degrees F. However, I have not attempted running my room without A/C to see what Temp I cap out at. Regardless, I've decided to go with A/C one way or another to ensure that I ALWAYS control the enviornment as much as I can. We'll know whats the next step I need to take after the Hydrogen 6" Ice Box arrives this week.



Well-Known Member
Hmm... I guess that is a valid point. I have an Everstar 13,000 btu portable a/c, model #MPN1-11CR-BB4

Not too sure on the inside specs of this thing


How does your Portable A/C work for you? How much energy does it draw in wattage? How large is the room where you currently have your A/C? You running more than 4 1000W lights?