Bush, Lets them stay.


New Member
Bush Hails Deal on Immigration Reform
Associated Press
Thursday, May 17, 2007

WASHINGTON (AP) - Key senators in both parties and the White House announced agreement Thursday on an immigration overhaul that would grant quick legal status to millions of illegal immigrants already in the U.S. and fortify the border.
The plan would create a temporary worker program to bring new arrivals to the U.S and a separate program to cover agricultural workers. Skills and education-level would for the first time be weighted over family connections in deciding whether future immigrants should get permanent legal status. New high-tech employment verification measures also would be instituted to ensure that workers are here legally.
The compromise came after weeks of painstaking closed-door negotiations that brought the most liberal Democrats and the most conservative Republicans together with President Bush's Cabinet officers to produce a highly complex measure that carries heavy political consequences.
Bush called it "a much-needed solution to the problem of illegal immigration in this country" and said, if approved, the proposal "delivers an immigration system that is secure, productive, orderly and fair."
"With this bipartisan agreement, I am confident leaders in Washington can have a serious, civil and conclusive debate so I can sign comprehensive reform into law this year," he said in a written statement. Bush planned to make remarks about the bill later Thursday at the White House.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, his party's lead negotiator on the deal, hailed it as "the best possible chance we will have in years to secure our borders and bring millions of people out of the shadows and into the sunshine of America."
Anticipating criticism from conservatives, Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said, "It is not amnesty. This will restore the rule of law."
The accord sets the stage for what promises to be a bruising battle next week in the Senate on one of Bush's top non-war priorities.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., called the proposal a "starting point" for that debate, but added that it needs improvement.
"I have serious concerns about some aspects of this proposal, including the structure of the temporary worker program and undue limitations on family immigration," Reid said in a statement.
The key breakthrough came when negotiators struck a bargain on a so-called "point system" that prioritizes immigrants' education and skill level over family connections in deciding how to award green cards.
The immigration issue also divides both parties in the House, which isn't expected to act unless the Senate passes a bill first.
The proposed agreement would allow illegal immigrants to come forward and obtain a "Z visa" and - after paying fees and a $5,000 fine - ultimately get on track for permanent residency, which could take between eight and 13 years. Heads of household would have to return to their home countries first.
They could come forward right away to claim a probationary card that would let them live and work legally in the U.S., but could not begin the path to permanent residency or citizenship until border security improvements and the high-tech worker identification program were completed.
A new temporary guest worker program would also have to wait until those so-called "triggers" had been activated.
Those workers would have to return home after work stints of two years, with little opportunity to gain permanent legal status or ever become U.S. citizens. They could renew their guest worker visas twice, but would be required to leave for a year in between each time.
Democrats had pressed instead for guest workers to be permitted to stay and work indefinitely in the U.S.
In perhaps the most hotly debated change, the proposed plan would shift from an immigration system primarily weighted toward family ties toward one with preferences for people with advanced degrees and sophisticated skills. Republicans have long sought such revisions, which they say are needed to end "chain migration" that harms the economy, while some Democrats and liberal groups say it's an unfair system that rips families apart.
Family connections alone would no longer be enough to qualify for a green card - except for spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens.
New limits would apply to U.S. citizens seeking to bring foreign-born parents into the country.



Well-Known Member
disturbing, to say the least.

"out of the shadows"

oh, thank goodness all the law breaking illegals no longer have to fear justice....

this bill better get shit-caned or i'm gonna get mad.



New Member
disturbing, to say the least.

"out of the shadows"

oh, thank goodness all the law breaking illegals no longer have to fear justice....

this bill better get shit-caned or i'm gonna get mad.

agreed. make sure to call your senators and congressmen


Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm surprised we haven't heard more from the PC goons about this. so far they're just keeping it on the "out of the shadows" spin... they shouldn't even be in the shadows to begin with.



Well-Known Member
not to spark a huge debate but what would you guys do?i mean really cuz i would have no clue where to start..theres so many illegals what do you do??take them into custody and ship them home?then what about the economy,all the jobs that would suddenly be vacant who would fill them?


Well-Known Member
deny them credit, jobs, bank accounts and housing. severely fine people who hire them, and i mean severely.

the jobs would be filled.

maybe college kids could learn something about work ethic and cut grass or help build houses like they did a couple decades ago...

maybe all the laborers who are unemployed would be employed if they weren't underbid by $6/hr illegals.

maybe the citizens who are having a rough time getting a job won't have a rough time any more.

round them up and put them on the bus.



New Member
not to spark a huge debate but what would you guys do?i mean really cuz i would have no clue where to start..theres so many illegals what do you do??take them into custody and ship them home?then what about the economy,all the jobs that would suddenly be vacant who would fill them?
Maybe the corporations would have to pay living wages so Americans could do them. Maybe a few fat milionaires would have to mow their own lawn and their rich bitch wives do their own housework, who knows, maybe obesity would become a thing of the past. Yes ship them back and make them apply for green cards based on the availability of jobs, Jobs not filled by Americans after the wages were adjusted. We'll always need field hands and yardwork people, but the construction industry that has been taken over by illegals allowing the general contractors and the home builders to reap greater and greater profits could be handed back to the Americans who dropped out of school and need jobs. I was a Carpenter in the '70's, Pay was 17.50 Per Hr. + benefits. Carpenters and all trades now work for 7-10 bucks an hr. and no benefits. This is directly due to the illegals willingness to work for less. Why should someone from a foriegn country be allowed to come here illegally and depress the labor Market, then demand citizenship? It's fucking insane, and the politicians are allowing it. If these jobs the illegals are doing were made to have a living wage, 15.00+ an HR., you'd have the Americans lined up around the block. This lowering of wages abounds in most all fields that illegals are dominant. This is a direct tact by the corporations to maximize profit and cut expenditures so the top brass can make more. This is Greed personified.


Well-Known Member
i agree with both of you but were talking about millions of jobs suddenly vacant...people who are in the process of getting a house built all the sudden now have to wait for the jobs to be filled so they have a place to live??you think theres that many college kids that are willing to do the work?whos suppose to go out a round up all these people..how do you proove whos legal and whos not with all the identity theft..fake ss cards fake green cards..this would be a huge process..the idea would have been to stop them at the border but that time has come and gone...its impossible to send them all home.


Well-Known Member
I agree with med on this, Think about it most Americans are layz as shit and those are the ones leting illegals do jobs for them just so they don't have to do it. Maybe theres alot more problems with America then the soc. problems we see everyday. Like with the kids shoting up schools now, maybe its just layz ass parents not doing something for the kid growing up. like the VT shoting maybe it was his parent didn't teach him social skills, so he locked himself in his room til he final cracked.


Well-Known Member

hempie you are correct, Sir!

This country would get along fine without the lawbreaking rude people who come here and displace American workers at the bottom end of food chain!

Any mass deportation would take time....illegal workers will not vanish overnight....cost of services will rise, but, IMO this is perfectly acceptable!

GWB is asleep at the switch on this one..... (Best case) or else he is in league with the open borders nut jobs!


New Member
I'd gladly pay 25% more for produce, or whatever the market would bear. And, don't forget ... not all the illegals are working. Some are busy staying at home raising their eight kids.



Well-Known Member
I'd gladly pay 25% more for produce, or whatever the market would bear. And, don't forget ... not all the illegals are working. Some are busy staying at home raising their eight kids.


ok so their at home rasing their eight kids(profiling is wrong:))how do you locate these people if their not in any system?how do you find them to get them out of the county?its so easy for us all to talk about but lets be for real its not gonna happen..and its not gonna happen because it would have a huge impact on the economy,its not gonna happen because it would spark racial tension,from that you get hate crimes,the border would be so fuckin crazy it would be a battle to keep it secure.i agree that its wrong and it should have been stopped at the border but it wasnt.


New Member
so every 20 yrs were suppose to grant amnesty to 12 million illegals? you're right it wasnt stopped and since reagan passed the last bill they have kept coming. so unless we send them back they will keep coming with hopes that they too will be granted amnesty


Well-Known Member
so every 20 yrs were suppose to grant amnesty to 12 million illegals? you're right it wasnt stopped and since reagan passed the last bill they have kept coming. so unless we send them back they will keep coming with hopes that they too will be granted amnesty
i never said i would grant them amnesty please read my quotes correctly,i asked what the people who had posted what they would do..like i have already stated i have no clue what i would do i wouldnt even know where to start.i agree its a problem but this solution just seems impossible to me.


Active Member
...this is the end of the nation, and if no one see's that, they are blind. Each illegal here now, cost the american taxpayer 20,000 dollars every single year, while they are not paying ANY TAXES.

The corporations, in collusion with big bankers, are enticing them all here to kill our way of life and our quality of life, our wages, and our services.

The way to solve this is to deport all 30 million of them, put up a huge fucking fence and patrol and gaurd our borders against third world hordes who are only brought here to bring on our enslavement and sufferage.

This is all prelude towards a European styled North American Union.


Well-Known Member
...this is the end of the nation, and if no one see's that, they are blind. Each illegal here now, cost the american taxpayer 20,000 dollars every single year, while they are not paying ANY TAXES.

The corporations, in collusion with big bankers, are enticing them all here to kill our way of life and our quality of life, our wages, and our services.

The way to solve this is to deport all 30 million of them, put up a huge fucking fence and patrol and gaurd our borders against third world hordes who are only brought here to bring on our enslavement and sufferage.

This is all prelude towards a European styled North American Union.
yea ill wait for something new...


New Member
failure to take action is what got us into this mess. deport their asses. would save $$ in the long run


New Member
Its been said already, but here it is again:

1. Build a double fence along the entire southern border.

2. Hire another 10,000 border guards.

3. Enforce existing laws against hiring illegal workers ... with very hefty fines.

4. Give local law enforcement people arrest powers to arrest, and turn over to the INS all illegals they come across.

5. Change the law that allows people born here to illegal aliens to automatically become citizens of the U.S.

6. Streamline our existing LEGAL immigration policies. There is no way it should take many years to become a legal citizen.

7. Before allowing anyone to enter the country for the purpose of living here and becoming a citizen, be sure they have a sponsor and a job waiting.

8. Eliminate bilingual education ... that would go a long way to insure assimilation into our English speaking society.
