Bush tax cuts expiring....


Active Member
I feel like we need a non-conspiracy thread in here to clear the air a bit....

How does everyone feel about letting the tax cuts expire? Is it a painful tax raise during a wobbly recovery or something that is necessary to make our finances more sustainable?

If the debt and deficits are something you're concerned about, it's to argue against letting the law expire. There will need to be some budget slashing as well, but it strikes me as very cynical/political to be complaining about deficits on the one hand and wanting to cut everyone's taxes without realistically what spending you're going to cut. I'd like to have a chat with john boehner about that sometime, unless he's too busy at the tanning salon or golf course...


Well-Known Member
I am pretty worried about this

If they expire it is a large tax increase on the people that are hurting the most right now. The economy already got hurt due to shit not getting out of congress in a timely fashion and the slowing to a stop of the government spending in favor of deficit hawking, and now to add insult to injury of forcing an increasing in taxes is asinine. Especially when they are trying to stop a increase in the few people that are virtually non affected by this recession.

I really am shocked that we are being forced to do the same dumbshit moves made in the great depression by lawyers and people pushing to increase their advertising dollars when we can actually show how bad of an idea this actually is.


Well-Known Member
Well we can agree, raising taxes during a depression is just plain dumb. Those people on unemployment will now get even less.


Undercover Mod
Yeah, but have you looked at our debts? We need to pay some of that or countries will stop taking our debt. From what I have read the United States might have a borrowing crisis in the next 5 years.


Well-Known Member
looks like everyone pays the same under obama's budget plan except singles above ~200k or married above ~250k.

if you believe in reducing the deficit, it appears obama's budget will do just that. if you are against a 3 - 4.6% tax increase for the wealthiest of americans, you will probably be against obama's budget.

i couldn't care less what happens, as all my money comes in under the table. i am for the more progressive tax code he has proposed, but not educated enough to make any projections about exactly how it will effect things during tough times like this (can't technically say we are in recession anymore).