Cabinet Design. Suggestions !


Hey guys.

Need some help and advice on my Cabinet and what lights to use.


-Cool + Warm Florecents
-Pc Fan

For my Veg table, was thinking about using an flood and drain system. Since it will be higher up think it will be easier for water to flow back down and into a smaller separate reservoir.

-Was thinking about 250W HP or florescents (Florescents seems to be in favour at this point)
-Circulation fan
-OutTake Dan top left
-Holes on bottom of flower room to allow fresh air in
-Air pump ?? (Not sure)
-If needed an intake fan, depending on Light(HPS)

I am going to use Hydro Ponics, with a Drip system. With the water being pumped into the Pots and dripping back into the Reservoir which i will be able to access easily and remove. The container holding the pots will be placed in the Wooden cabinet, this will allow me to have more space for growing and should i keep 6 pots in the Container or 4 to allow for more space. I am going to add 3 of those containers next each other

Lemme know what you think and any advice.




Well-Known Member
A 400w light is more than likely goin to be too much for that space it will get really hot in there you might want to use cfls you would have to get some 1 with a bit more experience than me to see if it will be ok but I don't think it will.
hydro is defiantly the way to go its amazing just check it every few days to make sure nothing's wrong it pritty much looks after iitself aslong as you get everything right ie temps air flow air intake an oouttake but good luck hopefully some 1 can help you a bit more than I ccan keep us updated with the grow


Thanks man.. Yeah ive been reading some of the posts in this section. and a 400w hps will be too much. Im lookiing into a 250 or 150 and if i have the cash. I will try and go LED


Is this your first grow? If so, try to stick as simple as possible. I'm finding it's more rewarding to have a successful grow and learning something that I can build upon than having an unsuccessful grow because I tried too much at once.
I'm finding CFL to be easy and cheap. My lights cost me about $50 all together (4 x 46W 6500k and 2 x 23W 2700K - not all at once), and that's including my sockets. I was looking at a 1 x 1 LED light - $250 Canadian. It's easy to switch from one to the next if your cabinet will allow it.
Just my two cents. I'm pullin' up a chair to this one.


Yeah its my first time grow. I have read up on how to use CFL and how many lights and which lights i will need..
I am going to buy Cool and Warm white CFL for my veg room, hopefully get them too 6500k. using more cool CFL then warm

when i Flower i will be using a mixture of warm and cool but more warm CFL. try and get it to 2700k..

Is it bad if i go over the 6500k or 2700k ?


The 6500K and the light spectrum of the bulb. A daytime 46W CFL will traditionally have 6500k and a 23W bulb should have 2700k.
Some people say that you should veg with about 100 true watts for the first plant and 50W for each plant. These should be 6500k bulbs. For flower, you should have have the same number of bulbs but they should be 2700k.
To take it a step further, some say that you should have a mixture during veging, right now, I have two 2700K bulbs and one 6500K bulb.
Is it bad? Not sure, maybe someone with more experience can answer.


ok well i got 2 x 23W cool white and a 14 W warm white. Will that be ok for Veg ? if not i am going to get the Daytime CFL