Cali outdoor grow 2011


Well friends of the interwebs I bring you my outdoor grow for 2011. To give you an idea of what I will be working with this year heres whats happening so far:

The area being used has actually been in use successfully for many years without security issues and only minor pest problems (bud worms seem to be the worst). Knock on wood no issues with spider mites but have taken losses due to the worms. This year this area has been modified for the grow. We have put a roof on the top (using chicken wire and plastic wrap which lets sunlight in but peoples eyes out) and also plastic wrapped one of the walls to minimize smell (eventually will wrap other walls in plastic). Ground was properly tilled, fertilized with compost and was sprayed with organic worm killer.

The area has been prepped for 16 clones to be transplanted from rockwool to soil. As of right now I have 6 clones in the ground, 3 Alien OG (AOG) and 3 Master Kush (MK). All 6 have survived the transplant and are doing well. I will update daily and will get my pics upload asap.

please check in daily to leave comments etc.


Active Member
im looking to do a few outdoor this year for the first time.what would u recamend as fare as plant im trying to get atleast 5-7 pounds. Thanks for the help


I just put mine out as well. I just hope I didn't jump the gun on this one. This is my first grow so I really couldn't wait to start.


Hey guys. Sorry I didn't get back quicker. Here are the pics of the area I'm working with. Again, I have it staked out for 16 clones.

Currently I have 3 Master Kush (MK) and 3 Alien OG (AOG). All six have taken well to the soil. Overall, doing well with the weather. Even though it still gets a little chilly at night.

To make the transition into soil eaiser on the girls I cut out some plastic potter, turned them upside down over the clone, then sealed with saran wrap. WORKS PERFECT! (I take them off in the a.m. and leave off till late afternoon).

Will upload pics of the girls in the next 24hrs. :leaf:

Also, I picked these two specific strains bcuz MK is considered an excellent outdoor producer and the AOG is a strain I enjoy. With the other 10 spots I will be putting in Blue Dream, Mazaar, Headband OG, and maybe Romberry.

If you cant tell I enjoy variety :-P



5-7lbs off of how much exactly? Indicas will be bushy and will yield more in smaller spaces than a sativa which is actually why alot of ppl go with hybrids indica/sativa mix because you can maximize your space


Sorry about the abcense friends. The last two weeks have been very hard on the garden. With the heavy rains in so-cal I experienced heavy flooding multiple evenings. And of course once the week of storms passed I found insect trails on 3 of my girls.

I will post pics within the next 24hrs of the girls etc. Out of the original 6 planted (3 AOG and 3 MK) all six are doing well however 3 are suffering from insect damage. These original 6 have been recieving nutes every other soil watering and they are loving it.

In regards to the newest 10 (for a ttl of 16), I purchased 4 Blue Dream (BD) clones, 2 Mazaar (MR) clones and 4 Gromulan (GR) clones. Unfortunatley I have lost 1 gromulan and 1 mazaar due to to much stress + 1 week of bad weather. There is a BD that is looking a little weak but Im not throwing in the towel just yet. I will be waiting to see what happens with the 1 BD so I kjnow when I have to get replacement clones if I should 2 or 3.

Please sub me as I will most likely start including pics and I should have some up soon!


Active Member
Hope yours turns out well looks good.I kinda have the same setup I ordered some master kush and I have a little hidden space to hide them.can you post a pick of your Roof to give me some ideals for mine,I've been thinking of making one.Man fuck those bud worms they have been eating my buds for to long what have you been using to kill them?


I need help!!!

My first 6 clones that I had put in, somehow got confused and are budding instead of growing (aka vegging). I believe it was do to the week of shitty weather that happened right after I planted them, they must have thought with all the darkness it was fall.

How can I revert the plants into veg state when they are outside? I know plants can be I just need to wait it out or am I screwed?

Someone please advise asap :(

P.S. Its only the first 6 that are doing it, my others are doing well but dont know what to do....


Well-Known Member
just let them be the days are getting longer they'll soon realize it and go back into veg


Well-Known Member
Ouch. Seems like you shoulda been okay, twelve hours of daylight started right around Mar 15 here in So Cal. I would just leave them be, they might go back to vegetative growth given enough time since we're now at about 13 hrs/day I think. Reverting from flower back to veg can take quite a while...might not look like it's working, but keep an eye on the buds, I think they should at least not be getting any bigger. Just my $0.02.

I'm subd, wanna see how things turn out. Oh, and I enjoy variety too. Sounds like you got some great genetics there.