California demands Trump's taxes


Well-Known Member
From where?
A fucking leaf.

The polls were almost dead on in 2016
proof that this old fart has alzheimers - can't even remember three years ago. I know how it works with you ppl, just like the ccp pretending that if you repeat the same lies enough and prevent people from speaking/teaching truth then somehow magically people will come to believe the shit you spew. I bet you have a poster of mao above your bed.


Well-Known Member
I know New York is after his taxes, and has a very good chance of obtaining them due to the litigation of his supposed charity foundation, which bypasses executive privilege.
One way or the other, we'll get them.

That prick is due for a dick up his ass after decades of abuse of everything having to do with decency.

#burythatfuck2020 :)
What do you think the chances that his state tax returns do not match his federal ones.



Well-Known Member
Your from a fucking leaf?
What the fuck does that mean?
C'mon, oh enlightened one from outside the USA that wants to talk American politics.
You embarrassed to say where your from?
>he doesn't know the 'a fucking leaf' meme..

the snowy north you fool.