Calling all farmers! Plant hospital SOS


Hi friends,

Its been awhile since I've been on this site. Been doing real well at work. Anywho, last night in my stoned panic I tried to "train" my 4 footer and I ended up snapping the top foot. The leaves seem to already withered up and died. There is also a rather large whole in the stem where I broke off the top. Question: Did I just F myself in the A? Is there any way to save the plant? What should I be looking for? And finally, if I can treat her, how do I save her? Come on gentlemen you've never let me down before.

Give it to me straight doc.


Active Member
if the leaves have withered, i dont think that portion can be saved. Next time you train, pinch the stem real hard where the bend will be (sometimes youll feel a pop, thats ok) then bend. anyway, it's all good man, everything below the break will have more vigor and bush out giving you more budsites and likely more smoke. it will help control the plants height as well


Active Member
but be sure to atleast tape up the top part of ur plant cause u dont want to get any insects in there or dry rott it.