Calling all Gooseneck Lights!!


Well-Known Member
Anyone using Gooseneck lamps to grow your crop??

Basically a Gooseneck cord lets you bend/flex the light to be in any location/direction. It offers the utmost in versatility and after using a power strip and Y adapters for a while now, I realize a gooseneck setup would be far superior and more usable.

I'm trying to build something like this:

The problem is short of this exact lamp, I haven't found ANYTHING that will work. I'm finding these stand-alone clip-on Gooseneck lamps, but I'd need like 6 of those and don't have the room for all of the clips/clamps. I dunno, maybe I could disassemble it and remove those, but the bottom line is, I'm trying to find these gooseneck arms separately or else something that will work perfect for this.

What's more, when I get a perpetual grow going, this will be much more helpful as some plants will be way lower and some will be way taller.

So please, if you've researched this or bought something, let us know what you did!

Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
Best I have found thus far is this one. Would have to chop the main stand to nothing, and mount the splitter area on the side of my grow box (should be feasible). It sys it uses TYPE A bulbs, which are STANDARD and what our CFLs are!! W00T!

I will also pluck off the colored shades so I can angle the CFLs horizontally for maximum penetration...
