Can I Make Cannabutter With A PLant That Has Not Budded?

I have a 5 foot tall plant that due to bad conditions has not budded i guess but it looks like it needs to be killed anyway is there anythign I could do with it?


Well-Known Member wont be as potent.. and some may say dry it... I have been a fan of the quick dry for edibles.. esp fresh cut in a pinch.. here in cen cal.. the temps are 100+ a day or so and a larger stem is ready... I have read all the plant has thc except the roots.. some folks toss the larger (fan leaves) some dont.. I have always saved them till I get about a paper bags worth then make butter or hash or... I would say if 1 g of pot gets you high then use about 4-5 times that with this stuff.

also depends on how frosty they look the strain etc...