Canadas opioid epidemic


Well-Known Member
I was reading through the papers today and came across some figures that I don't like much. These are two excerpts from the Globe and Mail.

The supply chain for illicit fentanyl begins in China, but the problems Canada is experiencing start right here at home: No other country in the world consumes more prescription opioids on a per-capita basis, according to a recent United Nations report.

The widespread use of prescription opioids is behind the rise of a new class of drug addicts, many of whom are turning to the black market to feed their habit. In British Columbia and Alberta, the two hardest-hit provinces, fatal overdoses linked to fentanyl soared from 42 in 2012 to 418 in 2015.

Neither Ottawa nor the provinces are taking adequate steps to stop doctors from indiscriminately prescribing highly addictive opioids to treat chronic pain – in 2015 alone, doctors wrote enough prescriptions for one in every two Canadians.


Well-Known Member
They really need to put forth the real numbers...and be true about what caused those death's.
Many Illicit drugs have dotted the landscape, over the they are focusing on fentanyl.
and opioids.
Now that prescription Naloxone can be had, by a household, where,
fentanyl or other opioids are used, there should really.. not be any death's.. attributed to fentanyl or Oxy's
going forward.