Canadian Public Health Association wants decriminalization


Well-Known Member
because it has some common sense involved it will not go any further, because how can something succeed with common sense. Now if it was full of hearsay and nonsense it would have weight, not being negative but hey common sense hasn't worked yet!


Well-Known Member
Although it makes perfect sense than today's approach, I have to agree with jackal. It would require a significant shift in mind-set, in addition to all the real reasons things like this don't change, money and politics. You'd be putting thousands out of work (current drug-war related resources, of course they could be retrained to work on more productive things, but that would also be a difficult sell). And the biggest reason is that someone in politics, at high levels, would have to have the balls to get behind it. Justin Trudeau could be that guy, not like he's in it for the money or fame. But he's also supported by many who would pressure him to back-off. Not sure if he has the balls or enough money to say fuck it and do the right thing...


Active Member
Cannabis users have to be cautious when coming across news like this. Medical personnel would favor having all current illegal drugs decriminalized in a manner that would have those caught in possession to appear in-front of a drug court and then sentenced to mandatory rehab facilities. Harder drugs like heroin, meth have a place in this framework, but not illegal soft drugs like marijuana.


Well-Known Member
I asked my doctor 20 years ago what his opinion was on marijuana... he told me he thought all drugs should be legal. People make up their own minds and, like this guy said, you have to deal with why people use drugs.