Cantalope seeds tomarrow. FIRST melon grow!


Well-Known Member
just planted my first tree today. nothing exotic something from home depot. dont remember its name but will post pics tomarrow.

so growin some yummy melons from seed tomerrow. outdoor. any suggestions of any thing will be apreciated.

Fox farm Ocean Forest+miricle grow in long rectangular pot. thats all for plans pretty much.. so tell me whats up! thanks:peace:


Well-Known Member
Good luck to you man. I didn't have any luck with my melons this year. Got two pumpkins though - just when I was about to give up and quit watering them.


Well-Known Member

heres the tree i planted still dont know what it is tho. also havent got around to the melons yet... hopefully soon


Well-Known Member
yea they wer hasty shots, ill do some beter ones plus the name of it in a day or two along with the melon info.


Well-Known Member
ok so melon seeds are planted. my little tree isnt doing too good it looks. i think its due to the stress from the drive over, transplant, and a lot of sun. so hopefully it pulls through. also have new flowers in the front, but duh to stress and what not they dont look their best, but when they turn around i will put some pics up