CFL vert setup idea.


New Member
Hi all!
I have some ideas of how I will put together my next grow.
I want to go CFL and vert. I have already got two big ass CFL's, one 150w 6500K and one 250w 2700K.

I've made a picture of my idea in MS Word

The big squares coming up from the pots, that the plant is growing in, are suppose to be nets holding the plants in place.

I would very much appreciate some responses on this. What can i do better? Will the ventilation be enough? Should i put an oscillating fan in there or will it be enough air movement as it is?

Sorry if my english are bad, I hope you understand anyway.
Thanks in advance!




Well-Known Member
running that many watts ......why not go to a vertical cooltube ............u could use a Y split in the ducting and on the side with the cool tube add a dampering so the air flow is restricted will force it to pull more are tho a the carbon filter for the smell and the cool tube they sell dust shroom covers for it they come with a oils u spray on the outside of them ..................just for the fan i step it up one size and then use a reducing coupling to attach it (get the higher cfm for the Y split to keep it effective and cool in the room)