Cheap Organic Grow


Active Member
i am a novice to growing organically and would like to try it out. does anyone have any advise on how to use things like grass clippings, bone meal, blood meal, dolomite lime and compost? how do u make tea? if i do not have an aerator can i boil hot water and then poor that over my compost in a bucket and then stain? wouldnt the boiling water kill the beneficial and bad microbes in there, like aerobic and anaerobic. how offten should i feed my plants? should i foliar feed during vegetative?


Active Member
compost is just anything degradeable. ive been putting eggshells, banana peels, grass clippings, anything rotten or moldy in a pile and it makes the best soil you can find. all organic, full of worms to air raid, and rich with nutrients:peace: