Check my trichomes! How long?


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, these are from all over different bud sites. Judging from these pics what do you think??



Well-Known Member
those look all pretty cloudy to me...i'd harvest some right now, and another batch next weekend :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I like a heavy narcotic high. So I am thinking at least wait til next weekend, maybe a lil longer.
I would take a small branch and dry it immediately for sampling, you could find out that this is the stage you love the most - or you could confirm that it is too early for your taste. Harvest-timing is really hard, I've grown for years and still the only way I can gauge when to harvest is by trying different times. You'll be surprised by the difference a week can do at this late stage. For example, my current strain gives the best high before the thrics turn amber - and I would never know if I didn't try it. And I go for couchlock too.


New Member
I like old grows answer but I don't like to cut anything during flower. For good couch lock I would give her another 10 days or so.

Brick Top

New Member
Thanks guys, I like a heavy narcotic high. So I am thinking at least wait til next weekend, maybe a lil longer.

The capitate-stalked glandular trichome changes color as it matures. Newly formed and immature glands are clear, glands reaching optimum THC production are cloudy or milky and amber trichomes have already passed their peak. By looking at the trichomes you can also determine the best time to harvest your plants. When most trichomes have gone cloudy and a few amber ones have appeared, the plant is at its peak.




Well-Known Member
I would take a small branch and dry it immediately for sampling, you could find out that this is the stage you love the most - or you could confirm that it is too early for your taste. Harvest-timing is really hard, I've grown for years and still the only way I can gauge when to harvest is by trying different times. You'll be surprised by the difference a week can do at this late stage. For example, my current strain gives the best high before the thrics turn amber - and I would never know if I didn't try it. And I go for couchlock too.
Ok, ok... you talked me into it :) I decided to harvest one to sample it with milky trichomes and because of the apprentice of bananas.

Do you have seeds on there? A few pics looks like there a banana sticking out.
Good eye there young man... One plant I have been finding some bananas on so I decided to take it now and inspect it further. Definitely no seeds, so it just appears to be a late-flowering thing.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it's ready to "fuck you up".... I harvested my last batch when it was 90% milky-10% clear and it just makes me stupid high.

I'd harvest it but if you want amber you'll have to wait for it...