Clinton was a Koch sucker


Active Member
Doesn't really have anyting to do with Ron Paul...Dr Paul is blacked out by these people...and Yes...His movement was even hijacked by them. Point being yes these are fake libertarians and I very much separate myself from them, (they disagree with me on a lot of issues, hell they disagree with libertarians on a lot of issues, they are clearly Republicans or Minarchist rather) I feel they hijack the real liberty movement.

If Dr Paul was a part of it then koch brother media puppets like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin would be all for Ron Paul. Instead they pretend he doesn't exist and when they mention him its a smear. Although Dr Paul has a lot of similiar views he doesn't follow their doctrine precisely and they disagree with him on quite a bit, foriegn affairs for example, Dr Paul really just stands on his own I believe.
I agree. The comic I linked to had all these little "fun facts" about government waste and almost everyone of them was pointing to military waste, yet the comic isn't asking anyone to cut waste out of the military. The same is true today. Most of the waste is in military, the reason taxes are has high as they are is because of the military and, one could argue, most of our debt is there because of the military. Ron Paul will point this out in a second, but I don't recall any tea party rally where this is pointed out.


Active Member
You are talking about the John Birch society and it's precursors that followed the likes of Joe Mcarthy
I seen the fliers you are talking about, and many more from that time period. made an impression. Wish I would of kept a bunch. A old nutball used to have boxes of them from the 50s
Definitely along the same lines as the John Birch Society, but this comic I linked to would have predated them by about 6 years. Wouldn't surprise if Industrial Services was funded by the same douche bags though. Actually it would be cool to link the Kochs to them. I've done a bit of research and I can't find the actual names of who funded them.