Clones during flowering?


Active Member
Just the other day I began cloning. I want to know if it would be possible (as well as the pros and cons) to clone while your plant is in flowering or showing pre-flowers. Also, do you have to put it back into veg after you take the clone? Thank you :leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
You can take clones from early flower. They'll take time to revert back into veg. So yes you have to put them in veg. There really isn't a huge con except that they will take time to revert back to veg and begin to show a lot of new growth.


Well-Known Member
early flower is OK almost same flowering starts about 2-3 weeks

late flower is poss also will take lomger plant will go through changes like single an double leafs till it gets things together
will be more branching i think they cll it supercroping or sum shit


Active Member
But is there an actual advantage to doing this as far as time goes? Or am I better off going from regular clone/seed?


Well-Known Member
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Yeah, I took some just as the host plant showed it's very first pistils. The clones took after a few weeks, like 3, then the clones grew top flowers, which are slowly disappearing as the now-in-soil clone has returned to it's normal growth size. It's cool though, cuz' before it switched back to normal, it grew lots of nodes for flowering, which will result in quite a bushy little bitch.
Your plant(s) look further into flowering than I've ever tried to clone from. Perhaps you could harvest, reveg, and THEN get the clones?
That's what I've done here.