Cloning in 3rd week of flower??


Active Member
I'm about to try taking some clones for the first time but I am almost 3 weeks into flower.Do I leave these little buds on and throw it right into 24 h light and humidity dome or cut these buds off or what?


Well-Known Member
damn thats hella far into flowering to be cloning. I cut clones all the time never had the need to cut one off of a 3 week flowering plat but my friend did and he left the little bud on it and it rooted. didnt look to healthy tho


Active Member
ya well I had no space at the time when I know I should have done it so was gonna try it now since my room is bigger.
What if I let these flower 100%,take down most of it and all the buds and throw the whole damn plant back in veg and let her go for another round.I can take my clones off next time perhaps???? just reveg the whole thing?


Well-Known Member
If you have them start new seeds. If not you could order them now and it would still be faster than trying to flower out and reveg those plants.


Active Member
I'm not to concerned with time as much as keeping the strain.I did want to clone them earlier but I just wasnt prepared and well,gotta go by their schedule.I don't know.I figure t,take a couple clippings throw them in the dirt and see what happens....


Well-Known Member
Give it a shot and they might take. If not you can try and revege the whole plant at the end, that way you have two chances at keeping the strain.

During the winter the same thing happened when I lost my veg room to a snow cave in. I had to flower the plants right then and there so I took a bunch of cuttings and wrapped the stems in damp paper towels and put them losely in a foil cone and put them in the fridge in the veggie draw. I put them in the cloner 3 weeks later and had the same rate of sucess that I get with fresh clones. They didn't even miss a beat.

Just an idea for next time....


Well-Known Member
yeah it will actually root a little faster but then youll have to wait a couple weeks for it to reveg. i have done this a few times with success.