Cloning W/ the aerogarden


Well-Known Member
ok so i want to take some clones throw them in a little rockwool or whatever they have at the hydroshop that fits into the aero holes and use the aerogarden to grow the clones into baby plants and develop the startings of their root system then transfer them into soil buckets.

what setting best for the clones? should the water pump be on 24/7 or should the waterpump be turned off every now and then to allow roots to grow? i was going to leave it on 24 hour light and 24 hour waterpump because i figured that would be best for clones


Well-Known Member
I would leave it on all of the time (pump and light, 24hrs). My mother in law loves the Aerogarden, and I've taken clones from some basil, thyme, et cetera and that seemed to work a ok.