

I need help on how to make clones. This will be my first attempt so I want to know whats the easiest way so that I would have healthy roots. Thanks :-P:leaf:


There's a search feature, and about a billion posts on it, and you need to pick your own way from reading, learning and experiencing...

But heres a copied post of mine on the subject, and a link to the thread in question, you're welcome:

Ok here's my experience.

Use soft fast-growing shoots for clones and not lignified slow growing tips. They root more easily, and also grows faster and yields more as mature plants.

Clonex rooting gel are good stuff. Just dip the cuts prior to potting.

Ever studied the underside of the mature branches at the nodes from the main stem on your plants, and seen the white pinhead size "knobs" there? They're root precursors; every branch is infact a complete plant, they grow as fractals... So, cut the clone at a 45 degree angle right under a node, roots sprout easiest from the nodes.

Use a heating mat wired through a dimmer/thermostat under the cloning container, put a good aquarium thermometer in a moistened pot/cube with only media in it, and adjust to 24-25C on the dimmer/thermostat. This works wonders for the speed of rooting.

And buy a digital thermometer/hygrometer and keep it in the dome, start out with misting twice a day and shoot for about 80-90% RH for the first couple of days. Then, reduce the mistings to one time a day and lower the humidity a bit, and after 5-6 days you can stop misting, shoot for 50-60% RH and let the media dry out a bit. It'll encourage roots to sprout.

Timing for the above is of course strain and system/experience dependent, but I get worried if I don't see roots on the fastest cuttings within 7-8 days...

And NEVER keep the media too wet, oxygen/aeration of the stems are vital. I never scrape stems either cause it opens for and encourages infections, and I also like to give them 4 hours of darkness.

I've seen roots in 3 days from an easy-rooting plant, with fast growing cuts taken at the right time...

Good luck!


Well-Known Member

This is an easy way to do some cuts.First a healthy plant in veg with some good branching,side and top views.
I use an old cutting board,a rusty razor,sharp fine pointed scissors and roottech gel.
You don't need any hormones at all to take cuts successfully but it speeds up the process and the plants are less beat up by the time they root.
How the branch looks removed with nodes attached and stripped off,I just pinch them off be careful not to kink the stem.......kinking is bad.
Stick in gel let sit for 30 seconds or so.
In this case I'm using peat pellets but it'll work in just about anything that will keep the cut from drying out while it's rooting.
Soak the pellets overnight or they'll suck the moisture outta the cuts with bad results.
Poke hole in pellet,stick cut all the way down again careful not to kink the stem.
Form pellet around stem,gently.......then dunk in water to replace what ya squeezed out by forming then put in a dome.I'm using a cake box,they come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes plus ya getta cake.......fucking A.
In this case they're about 12"s under a 42 watt cfl,just leave'em alone they don't like being messed with.
Roots take anywhere from 5 to 15 days depending on plant and temp,I will take some pics and explain how I quick harden them off and pot'em when these root.
Now the donor plant provided 6 cuts and has 4 main branches,ready to be up-potted and flowered tomorrow.
Attached Thumbnails
