Cocoa ceadchange


Well-Known Member
For years my mother made these chocolate cookies, they were so great.

Still still makes these by the way, although her version goes to Mormon Church meetings.

They're just a variation of the butter cookie. There are two main versions.

The mint ones and the ones without.

She grows mint in her garden they just come up every year. She dries and harvest it to use in teas, cakes, just anything one could use mint.

Well I replaced the mint with cannabis.

I used a quarter for these cookies I guess you could use more, it's probably more than a head change if you do.

The night before melt one stick of salted butter in a pan with your "mint" ground into a powder. (I like to save my seeds for later, so pick them out.)

Mix melted butter and herb, add in 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract stir, (make sure it is real vanilla the kind with bourbon not the powder) let cool into a gel, pour that in a glass container and cover. Place in fridge.

The next day let your butter melt (the one you made the night before, for those of you with stoner memories. *remember*)

Now let your butter sit out and get room temperature.

In a large mixing bowl set mixer on low and cream in one cup of sugar. (by cream I mean mix the sugar and butter). Now add one egg, keep the mixture on low.

stir in one cup of sifted self rising flour.

next add 1/2 teaspoon of the following (1/2 teaspoon each)
baking soda, and baking powder.

1/4 tea spoon iodized salt

1/3 cup cocoa

1/2 teaspoon instant decaffeinated coffee

bake at 350 for 8-10 minuets (I've found 9 works on my oven but oven times do vary)

I also like to start preheating my oven as I begin to mix my batter.

So here's what you need, and then just follow the above instructions-I know it's backward but I just hate half a batch of these because I didn't know it took longer for it to creep up on me when you eat it) As for strain I used some that had red hair and tasted kinda like berries. It has some kid cereal name like "Wonderberry"


Well-Known Member
Alright I wrote that after eating a few of these.

It should read Cocoa Change Head. Ignore my typo.

These aren't something I would recommend eating and going to work or anything.

They are very powerful it just creeps up on you.