Codex Alimentarius ! Watch this


Well-Known Member
Its a video of some Broad explaining Codex Alimentarius.

Rules involving Food.
So Extra-Governmental regulations on food.
Including health supplements vitamens and shit.

So WTO BS telling us we need them to mandate regulations on food.


Well-Known Member
No watch it it explains all about how Codex allimantarius is a plan to decrease the population of the world. Watch it she explains how Codex Alimentarius has taken some vital vitamins off the list and classed them illegal, and they have put 9 deadly chemicals back on the list for human consumption. Just watch it before you judge it. This is set to go into implementation on December 28th 2009. They estimate that it will kill 3 billion people.


Well-Known Member
I'm not knocking it dood.
I'm saying its extra-governmental regulations on food.
I didn't watch but the first 10 minutes.
But I don't need to hear about population control.


Well-Known Member
it is to kill us from the preventable diseases of under nutrition,
Well if you dont need to hear about population control you dont you should because more than likely you and me and alot of people we know are goin to die of under nutritian. She said just goin by the mineral guide lines of codex alimantarius alone will kill 3 billion people. 1st billion will be poor and will die of starvation. And the other 2 billion will die from the preventable diseases such as cancer from under nutrition. Basicaly if you dont have a pusher of clean food you will more than likely die.

This is set to go into global implementation on December - 28 - 2009.


Well-Known Member
I'm not knocking it dood.
I'm saying its extra-governmental regulations on food.
I didn't watch but the first 10 minutes.
But I don't need to hear about population control.
No it is a professional nutritionist from the NANP(national, association of nutrition professionals) speaking out about the plan behind codex alimantarius to reduce the population of the earth.

Codex Alimantarius is the new food regulations and guidelines.


Well-Known Member
I heard about Codex last year. Not sure what to think of it. It's important to read Codex for yourself, because people do tend to panic and exaggerate things.

Either way, they aren't going to stop me from growing food. Only after I'm SWAT teamed and gunned down for growing tomatoes. haha :smile:

Also, I think this article fits here.
An obsession with eating healthily could in fact be bad for your health, scientists warn.

Those who deny themselves entire food groups or worry too much about the 'purity' of their meals are risking their mental and physical wellbeing.

Experts have reported a rise in such extreme behaviour, known as orthorexia nervosa.

Sufferers or orthorexia nervosa tend to be over 30, middle-class and well-educated.

While anorexia patients restrict the quantity of the food they eat, sufferers of orthorexia, named after the Greek for 'right or true', fixate on quality.

The 'rules' vary from person to person, but the drive to eat only the healthiest foods can lead to sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol, wheat, gluten, yeast, soya, corn and dairy foods being eliminated from the diet.

Foods tainted by pesticides or that contain artificial additives such as MSG are often also ditched. One orthorexic is reputed to eat only yellow foods.

While such habits may seem quirky, they can have a serious effect on health.

Cutting out entire food groups can leave sufferers malnourished, while rigid rules can make eating out impossible, putting a huge strain on friendships and relationships.

Ursula Philpot, chairman of the British Dietetic Association's mental health group, said: 'I am definitely seeing significantly more orthorexics than just a few years ago.

'Other eating disorders focus on the quantity of food but orthorexics can be overweight or look normal.

'They are solely concerned with the quality of the food they are putting in their bodies, refining and restricting their diets according to their personal understanding of which foods are truly "pure".'

Sufferers tend to spend hours reading the latest food research, trawling health food stores and planning menus.

Add to this the expense of buying specialist products and it is easy to see why the disorder is most common in the middle-classes.

Deanne Jade, founder of the National Centre for Eating Disorders, told the Observer: 'There is a fine line between people who think they are taking care of themselves by manipulating their diet and those who have orthorexia.

'I see people around me who have no idea they have this disorder. I see it in my practice and I see it in my friends and colleagues.'

She believes the rise of the condition is linked to society's tolerance of food fads and those who promote them, from gym instructors to naturopaths, who prescribe changes in diet to treat illnesses.

'It's everywhere, from people who think it's normal if their friends stop eating entire food groups, to the trainers in the gym who [ promote] certain foods to enhance performance, to the proliferation of nutritionists, dieticians and naturopaths.

'And just look in the bookshops - all the diets that advise eating according to your blood type or metabolic rate.
'This is all grist to the mill to those looking for proof to confirm or encourage their anxieties around food.'

Mary George, of eating disorder charity Beat, said alarm bells should start ringing when a quirk or fad becomes 'all-consuming'.

She added: 'In this day and age, there's so much more attention paid to healthy eating and what we put inside our bodies that it is possibly more likely that this situation may occur.'

Can you believe that shit? LOL
I can understand that being paranoid about food could effect your health, but usually it's just wanting to be healthy.

Stop eating healthy, stop being smart and go stuff your mouth with McDonalds. :-P


Well-Known Member
So some vital vitamins have been taken off some list and some deadly chemicals put back on it? And this is going to cause the death of 3 billion people? I'm pretty sure atleast 3 billion people right now dont even get any real vitamins or decent nutrition. How is this list going to affect the majority of the population? Or are you saying that this "list" will cause the death of 3 billion "healthy" people who don't live in third world countries and who would otherwise have proper nutrition?


Well-Known Member
So some vital vitamins have been taken off some list and some deadly chemicals put back on it? And this is going to cause the death of 3 billion people? I'm pretty sure atleast 3 billion people right now dont even get any real vitamins or decent nutrition. How is this list going to affect the majority of the population? Or are you saying that this "list" will cause the death of 3 billion "healthy" people who don't live in third world countries and who would otherwise have proper nutrition?
Yes there are about 3 billion people right now that that dont get real vitamins and proper nutrition but according to
approximatly 7.6 million people die a year from cancer. That is only one of the diseases from under nutrition. When this goes into plan this december 28th. This will mean there are more deadly toxins added to our food than there is already. Every animal on the planet for food consumption must be treated with sub clinical anti-biotics and growth hormones, including organic food.
They geneticaly modify vegetables and fruit, which i dont think will be too good for us either, geneticaly modified to lack nutrients. So even the seeds on the market for vegetables and fruit will all be modified to lack nutrients.
Personaly im goin to take the chance and start growing my own organic food. Thats fine because i live out in the country but what about all the people living in cities who dont have that choice.
When groups of perfessional nutritionists start warning us that the new global food standard and nutritition guide lines is a plan to reduce the population of the planet it is something to definitly look into.
It might sound crazy but it sure does fit in with alot of other crazy stuff goin on around the world.