Colorado Greenhouse, Light Dep, Winter Indoor Veg Program


Perplexus here. This is the start of what looks to be a wide ranging and extensive project. I will be using 2 hoop style greenhouses, indoor setups of varying types and doing some small scale breeding and back crossing. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is the largest undertaking ive ever been in charge of. I have a good deal of my life invested in this project, so i guess a little backstory is in order.

I just came back from california where i had to abandon the project i was working on due to safety issues. when people are running around with chainsaws and machetes it is time to go. so I hooked up with my homeboy and he put me to work for like a week. then he gives me this idea. hey bro why don't you just go back to my land in Colorado and do a late season light Depp. so I'm like yeah go home make money sounds great. long story short I came home and went straight to my new spot. we were able to buy 24 plants from a friend that were already four feet tall. they were the orphans and the runts left on the side of the yard in small pots. August 1st I arrived here and put them in the greenhouse. my resources were thin and couldn't afford new nutrients. so I ran for weeks on last year's nutrients and un p.h.ed well water. for some reason some of the plants didn't seem to mind others experience extreme nutrient lockout. I've since being able to correct this and have been working to rectify individual deficiencies. I picked up another batch of ladies from another friend and put them in the greenhouse as well. August 15th I started pulling the cover. before I pulled the cover of course I took clones. I now have another round of babies vegging in an off site location. the long term goal is to return here with babies that I grew all winter long and begin lite deprivation in April. all the while maintaining a stock of new ladies in my of site location to refill my light dep. if things go correctly I should be harvesting a few pounds every two weeks starting early june. I may even preflower some of the light that lady's beforehand indoor and bring them down already half flowered. that remains to be seen. I will also be building a new greenhouse for arrivals and possibly to house a few really big ladies... The all summer big girls.

along with all of this there are several volunteer plants on site the result of a unknown male that pollinated a designer female strain. some of the buds from this female were still here on site and I Germinated the seeds. I also took clones of of the volunteers. hopefully I get a male of these seeds and I can back across this pollen to the original mothers. from there I'll have a bunch of seeds that I can replant and selectively breathe for the traits I want. the smell is sweet and so is the smoke and it is a very uppy, heady high.

so that's the basic outline green house light dep this fall. vegetate new ladies for spring. breed volunteer strain. black box a greenhouse for an entire summer. that's the long and the short of it I will detail more things in my next post and hopefully upload some pictures when I get my computer to civilization.

thanks for reading along and again if you have any questions or advice please feel free. you see its very lonely here on my ranch and I love the conversation. by the way I like long walks on the beach and cuddling by the fire. :)


another day dawns glorious here in the High Colorado desert.. out to pull the tarp and check on the ladies. the humidity is high but as soon as I pull the cover it drops back to desert levels. so inside I am still battling massive leaf yellowing. I got my PH straightened out and have been working to remedy individual issues. it's a slow and frustrating process. in spite of this and the minor a spider mite attack things look good. buds are getting plump and several I have been checking trichomes daily for amber. they look so tasty I can't wait. oh and oh my god so much hash to be made. The Pamir gold, critical 47 and frisian dew all have some ladies that are almost there. The snow bud, lemon kush, painkiller and Most of the tangerine kush is about mid way. The pineapple chunk, san fernando kush and cherry lime are kinda lagging, and the chunk even seemed to stop growing alltogether for a bit. The chunks are still yellowing, old leaves first. My GO Has nitrogen in it. I dunno, ill probably add some N guano to my next tea brew. Cherry limes being really odd. Leaves turning red and yellow, like maple leaves.. Still working on that. I think its the soil (too clay rich, heavy) coupled with a drastic shift from nice RO mountain water to this heavy high p.h. Well water.... Again, nutrient lockout, so i cant be too aggressive with re nuting. Really just flushing and giving low level, broad spectrum nutes.

My volunteer clones are looking well, i even see roots on a few of them already! Eight of nine seedlings still going one lost to collapsing light dome. One folded over, but propped up and still kicking. Ill.have a knuckle before i.have a node! Is.that cool? Not really. Hopefully picking up.some babies in cups started in early august. Yes yes... Everything be working according to plan.