Confused on flushing

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Hello, can somebody give me flushing advice please. I read all the info on it but am still confused. Some people say that it makes no difference, some people say to flush with 3 times the ammount of the container, and then I hear that some flush just by stopping with the nutes the last few weeks and just giving the babies water. And, also i have heard about flushing solutions?! All this is confusing me and I have been so careful up to this point(5th week of flowering) I do not want to shock and kill my babies(gorgeous Sensi Star women). I feel like all that water will drown my beautiful girls. So, I am totally confused. Should I continue to give them the Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom Liquid karma and Cha Ching? Or, should I stop all that now and just water? Or should I give it until the end and flush right before harvest? The Cha Ching says to use right up til harvest.... I wouldnt even ask I have just read so many conflicting things... 7 girls in a Homebox 5th week of flowering in ocean forest under a 400 watt and are all in 2 gallon buckets sitting there looking just amazing! Ive had people over who have been growing for years say that they can not believe the results I have had! I like hearing that... Could just be the strain, Sensi Star, they have been the picture of health since they were born. If anyone could give this new guy some advice Id appreciate it. Peace


Well-Known Member
i was was worried about flushing too, that it might drown them, im not doing anything with mine till i know for sure whats best lol.


Active Member
i have flushed my plants 3 times now in my cycle and it doesnt seem to drown them it acually helps them if you have ne nute lock. 3 times the water gets all the nutes out of your soil. i use clearex and use have the water. and if you use the clearex you can go all the way up to 3 to 5 days before harvest if you dont then it can take up to two weeks i believe hope this helps. oh and when you do flsh them keep a fan blowing on them to dry out the soil unless u are doing hydro.


Well-Known Member
i flush at the start of flowering and about 2 weeks prior to harvest i just run water through till it looks good and clean


Well-Known Member
Hi Cheech,

I can understand your questioning what you have read. Flushing is needed to remove the nutrents in the plant. However when and how much to flush depends on a lot of things. The two most important things are, Ist is your growing medium. 2nd is the type and amount of nutrents.

You have stated you are using ocean forest soil. That is an organic nutrent rich soil.
Organic nutrents are used more efficently by the plant and will flush eaiser. Some growers dont even bother with flushing.

Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom Liquid karma and Cha Ching are also organic. So I would say you dont have anything to worry about. One week should be fine.

The trick is to use distilled water o ppms to start. Measure the ppms in the res after the first watering they will be high, swap out the water and do it again. You dont need to fill the whole res. I use about 1/3 of the amount of water. Once the waters ppms drop to under 150ppms. I harvest.

Professional growers flush once after each res change to be sure the plants are using the nutes correctly.

Some growers use soluitions like clearex to break loose the nutrients. I doubt you will need it with organics.

By the way, You cant over flush at the end of the plants life. You can over flush durring a plants life but if you do all you do is add nutrents again. Oh, and ph your flush water too.

Maybe that will help clear things up for you.


Well-Known Member
Truthfully if it were me & my 1st grow i'd hold off on flushing,when your 1st learning it's best to take things one step at a time & keep things as simple as possible,there are learning curves to growing marijuana just like everything else,if there is any real quantifiable differences in flushed vs non flushed weed you'll never know,doing something because you are sure of the effect on the plants is alot different than doing something because its what you heard, or reccomended by others.

Allways remember this about forums,all forums in any hobby where the topic of conversation will be the buying & selling of ultra expensive products are infiltratrated by shills,a shill is a person who pretends to be a hobbiest,then allways reccomends using expensive products,then swears about taste & other differences,many of these posts are intended to get consumers convinced they must have these products.

In our hobby there are alot of snake oil salesmen who sell uber priced products,do your 1st grow unflushed,then the 2nd grow flush them,then you'll know why your not flushing anymore or gonna flush every time but its allways best,which ever way you go, to know for sure why your doing something to the grow op,other than advice from others.

buzzkill 01

Active Member
I am going on my second grow and from what I understand every third watering cycle I use pure water. If you are using city water then make sure you let it set out for at least 24 hours this will get rid of all the chlorine and such that they put in the water. As far as flushing the only time you should have to flush your plants is if they have nute burn then simply flush with alot of water and hope for them to bounce back. As long as you have good drainage you wont overwater the plants, your medium will only hold so much and as long as you let it dry agian before watering you should be fine. You should also do this two weeks before harvest and cut the nutes that way your nuggs will taste sweet not like nutes. I have also heard of people adding molassis to thier water for the last two weeks but have not done this and do not know how much to use. hope this helps and good luck


New Member
if you put about 2 inches of perlite in the bottom of your container it is much harder to overwater your plants i learned that from seemorebuds dvds that gardenknowm preaches those dvds are worth there weight in gold but like cruzer said replace the nutrients directly after flushing

buzzkill 01

Active Member
yeah that works but makes a mess every time you water, plus tour soil keeps leaking into it and can eventually clog up your drainage try hydro pellets look like little .5 inch clay balls less mess same effect

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for all the responses guys.. really appreciate it. What a great site, so many nice people. My computer broke so I couldnt log in until I got to work this morning. But, thanks again. I have learned so so much from this site. I read it all day at work(works not so busy these days).... Im just so scared that Im gonna hurt my girls. They look so damn amazing. Like, I will give them their nutes (always 1/4-1/2 strength) and then i will worry about them all day that i will come home and they will be yellow or sick or something.. Im really starting to get comfortable with it all though.. its liek when i first set up my lights, I kept thinking Id arrive home from work and my house would be on fire. Thankfully they just keep looking better and better. I dont know why this whole flushing thing has been on my mind so much, thanks for clearing some things up! You guys rock! Peace


Active Member
Thanks cruzer101 - this info has been more understandable than the FAQ which appears to be three articles of differing "opinion" - the first: flush makes no diff; second says less than a week, and the last goes full blast to say up to two weeks. So I was just as in need of info as Cheech. Also, none of the articales mention pHing the flush.

Hey Cheech - I work for a web security company, and a lot of companies use web filtering software and they don't let you know that you are being recorded, so unless you are in IT or have friends who are and know, I would avoid browsing RIU at work... unless you work for a smoke shop or something.. :weed: