Cops wanna charge you


Well-Known Member
I used to believe that line of thinking however I no longer do.

Granted, I'm from the usa and theres NO talking of going 100% legal over here, ha ha but there was a little push that my state of Michigan would go ahead with legal weed for all adults. in fact for a bit it looked pretty good until Ohio shot their chance down in 2015.

Been legal for almost 4 years now. I've only got called out once that whole time. I visited a medical compassion club house and reeked of weed--even thou I took only a few light hits, since thee place was full of smoke and there was about a hundred people inside puffing away, I must have reek of weed when I showed up at the border and was sent over for a quick secondary inspection.

Lady Canadian custom officer after inspecting my car "ah, there is this odor"... "do U smoke marijuana recreational" ....Me, in a light broken voice, " medical, I'm medical".......Lady officer screamed at me, "your medical"...."since when" .."do U have any MM with U", me, "no"---I did not, really. I was checking out the place for when i returned back to Michigan.

That gal officer was trying to say I was puffing in the car once in awhile, No way, I never do that--honest, that went out in of style in the 90's, ha ha. Besides its too easy to get killed in these air bag cars, IMO. U gotta watch the road 100% of the time, IMO

Well, after a few mins, she handed me a paper slip and sent me inside. Once inside it was never even mention about the odor or my mm card--I never had to even show it but I'm sure the computer showed all my info. The next officer just ask me what I was going to do in Canada and where I was staying at. After about 5 mins of questions, I was allowed into Canada. I've crossed over a bunch of times after that--and before that--never once was it brought up. I'm treated just like it never happen.

I hate to think what might have happen if i wasn't medical, and just said, yep, I smoke recreational, it happen back when Harper was in charge and there was NO talk about legal weed for all in Canada.

I see no downside to having a medical card expect for employment issues and thats more in the "law and order" usa...isn't drug testing for most jobs illegal in Canada, its against your charter rights ?

Oh oh, I guess u Canadians could have a problem of entering the usa but why would U wanna come over here ???? i gotta live here, ha ha, least i can escape once in while, lol

The say the usa is the "land of the free" but IMO, that goes for Canada, not the usa.
the USA and CANNADA are TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PLACES!!! Thanks for your input though
no one is FREE in the sense you speak of