Could this effect my weed plant?


Well-Known Member
so i have my grow set up in my room in a cabinet and i smoke in my room
and i was wondering if the second hand smoke could possibly hurt my seedling??


Well-Known Member
It can and most likely will hurt them! Smoke clogs up the cells in the leaves makin it hard for the plant to 'breath' so don't be blowin hits of weed at it either, word? No the smoke probly won't kill it, but it's not any better for the plant than it is for u.


Well-Known Member
smoke can kill plants as much as it can kill a human,

heres how

basicly, as mentioned above by another user " smoke can clog the cells of the plant)

now heres another terrible fact of science,

nicotene is a healthy plant killer ( fact !!)
it can murder germinating or un-germinated seeds,
from a single touch or the seed with ur hand , nicotene is transfered to the seeds and poisons it,

excess nicotene from the tobbaco in your joint ( exhaled in the smoke ) will travel in the smoke and cling to the plant , there by posioning it.

Do you wan to smoke in your grow room ?


Well-Known Member
smoke can kill plants as much as it can kill a human,

heres how

basicly, as mentioned above by another user " smoke can clog the cells of the plant)

now heres another terrible fact of science,

nicotene is a healthy plant killer ( fact !!)
it can murder germinating or un-germinated seeds,
from a single touch or the seed with ur hand , nicotene is transfered to the seeds and poisons it,

excess nicotene from the tobbaco in your joint ( exhaled in the smoke ) will travel in the smoke and cling to the plant , there by posioning it.

Do you wan to smoke in your grow room ?
only europeans mix tobacco and weed. well mostly when i ws there. I think that is gross.

anyways enjoy growing, so smoke up fuck it. get a good scrubber


Well-Known Member
i smoke with my plants....i'm not blowing smoke on them....but i usually smoke when i'm in the room.....they seem to do ok....its certainly not good for them


Well-Known Member
Lol rich, actually, in school i was a science geek, only cos a i had a bargain @ school, our school had a reward system, do extra lessons after hours and get a free activity @ end of the month, i chose science + got bunjee jumping, white water rafting and go karting, that was years ago, the science payed off, :) i went on to become a air conditioningand ductwork fitter, ( good thing to do if u wna grow weed) and i smoke............. Not near my crop though lol


Well-Known Member
I just finished the third treatment, in two weeks, of CO (carbon monoxide) immersion on my crop (26 plants, 6 strains),
a few days ago, to discourage males.
I use a kerosene heater. it has a chimney to burn the fuel more cleanly. I remove that, light the wick, and dense smoke,
reeking of CO(smelled like a parking garage), pours into the grow room. nearly KILLED me the first time, lol. so, I crawl to the door, and wait outside
for about 10 minutes, then crawl back in to turn off the burner, crawl out, shut door. go do smthing for several hrs. when I return,
the grow room gets aired out thoroughly.
I believe you're right about smoke and tobacco/nicotine...and not to belittle your opinion, but, it would take like a year or three for second hand smoke
to kill a mouse(not actual data) and you're worried about something that will be dead in a few months anyway.
I wouldn't even sweat it man. smoke away! IMO



Well-Known Member
i know, its the slow painful crawl that causes smoking related diseases,

but the fact that nicotene is powerful chemical, 1 nicotene patch can last 24 hours............4 x nicotene patches applied in one go can kill a person ( fact ) it wont kill everyone , but it has been known to kill by overdosage,

now imagine how bad it can be for even 1 mg of nicotene to hit a plant .

also, if nicotene is addictive, imagine the addictive effect it might have on a cannabis plant,

i might do some tests on a few young adult plants,

ill soak a cutting of a nicotene patch in some water, and use it to water a plant for 1 month ( with nutes )

then ill change to normal clean water ( with nutes ) and see if the plant has a reaction ( craving for nicotene )

back to the subject in hand,

i know everyones plants are fine, but it certainly explains itself ! .........