Crossing Malawi Gold, Strawberry Diesel, Banana Crack, Early Durban, Hindu Kush, Strawberry Stardawg


Well-Known Member
I have noticed that some people don't like Happiness. I am probably the Happiest person most people have ever met, and sometimes it makes people mad. I am also very Confident, to the point that if I know something is true, I don't care how much you think you know about something, I will keep my position until you actually prove me wrong. Which leads to things like me Breeding THCv Plants, and doing Super Stressed Epigenetic Training for Plants.

And I literally laugh at anything, I was in jail for my Religion when I was 14, and I laughed so much that one of the guards said I was their favorite stoner. Most people automatically like me, even if they thought they wouldn't, because I am not a normal 2017 long haired person; I'm not a Hipster, I haven't played video games since I was 21, etc, I was one of the most well known people in my school and random girls would run up to me every time I was out of jail for my Religion and yell my name and come hug me, and I would hug them and then ask someone who they were.

But I am literally probably the absolute happiest and most confident person you will ever meet, and there are some people, I have met maybe 10 people in my life, who just hate it. They can't stand it, and they want me to be sad, and they try to bring me down. But I have literally never been actively sad, like you would think of a Depressed person, probably at the most at one time in my life, 30 minutes. And my brother died when he was 11.

But my question is, those people I have met that can't stand happiness and want to turn it into sadness. I'm not saying people who go and post pictures of Demons and Zombies and People with Black Hair Covering their face, I am talking about the person that sees a happy person, and just can't let them be happy. And actively get angrier and angrier as they can't make the person stop being happy, usually to the point where you stop talking to them because you couldn't make them sad and you can't deal with their happiness.

Why do you do this if you are one of these people?


Well-Known Member
And btw, just for context to show how sick this person is. That picture of M&Ms was posted because my little brother died when someone gave him M&Ms with Peanut Butter even though he was allergic. And he could have been saved by Cannabinoids when his brain started swelling, but Doctors were too scared to use Cannabinoids.

So he literally just posted that, trying to get me to think of the M&Ms that killed my brother and be sad. But I eat M&Ms. I am not scared of M&Ms. But his intent just shows how sick he is.


Well-Known Member
And just btw, if anyone is wondering.

Buck is doing this because he is mad that I am going to Win the Cannabis Cup in 2019. He sees that my plants are doing well, and that I have amazing Genetics, and that no one else could say anything bad.

This thread had almost 100 views in less that 24hrs, and I was just posting Science. But the other people in this section are steady at around 50 views after days and days.

This thread was started Yesterday (in the US) and already has 233 views.

If anyone is wondering why Buck does this, it's called Jealousy.


Well-Known Member
And if anyone needs evidence that this Pedophile is trolling me, and should be in jail, like if any Police are reading. Here is the Evidence.

I made this Facebook group in order to tell people that My Facebook account was my Facebook account, and that his was fake. And people started telling me that he had contacted them and asked for nudes.


Well-Known Member
And if anyone is wondering, I have never met this guy. This is like if you were on this website, and saw me here when I was 18 years old, and decided to start trolling me. Stalked me around the website posting in all my threads.

Then going on Facebook and making a Fake account pretending to be me, and going through my Friends list and asking all of my friends to be your friends. Getting my family photos. Printing them out, Jacking off on pictures of my Female Family members, posting it to this website. Then took a Youtube video of me when I was 15 where we were in our house having a small party and my mom was there, and he tried to say my mom touched my dick. He just has some kind of mental problem and then acted like I was the bad guy at 18 years old while he did that.

If you are reading this, and that sounds like the kind of person you want to agree with, go for it. But you are on the wrong side. Would anyone here do that to someone? And if you would, you have a problem.


Well-Known Member
Ep 2: Identifying Male Marijuana Plants

Ep 3: Identifying Female Marijuana Plants

Ep 4: Mini Bamboo Poles

Ep 5: Random Update

Ep 6: Strain Descriptions


Well-Known Member
Ep 7: Topping Marijuana Plants for More Colas

Ep 8: Marijuana Watering

Ep 9: Supercropping for Higher Yields

Ep 10: 6ft Bamboo Poles

Ep 11: Marijuana Nutrients & Silicate (Veg Cycle)


Well-Known Member
Ep 12: Overwatering

Ep 13: LED vs HPS & LED/HPS Combo

Ep 14: 2nd Bunch of 6ft Poles

Ep 15: Switching Lights to 12/12

Ep 16: Foliar Feeding


Well-Known Member
Ep 17: Raising the Lights, pt 1

Ep 18: Raising the Lights, pt 2

Ep 19: Aeration Buckets

Ep 20: First Day of Flower

Ep 21: Ladybugs


Well-Known Member
Also, for Nutrients I am using 3 things.

I am using the standard Fox Farm Nutrient set of 3, with the 2 Veg Nutes and the Tiger Bloom. I have used pretty much all of the Veg Nutes, and I will be using Flower Nutes now. I have also been using Silicate, the brand Pro-Silicate, which is an extra nute that most people don't add. Some people say you don't need it as long as you don't use the same soil over and over, but I am using Coco and I think people are missing the fact that Coco isn't soil and doesn't have those Nutrients, so anyone growing with Coco should probably be adding Silicate.

But now I am not using the Veg Nutes, but I am still using the Silicate. Then I am using the Fox Farm Flower Nutes from the 3 pack, and I am using Bud Candy from Advanced Nutrients

For Veg I used

5 tbs of the Bat Guano/Worm Castings per Gallon
4 tbs of the Grow Big per Gallon
and 1 or 1/2 tbs of the Silicate per Gallon

For flower I will use
3 tbs of Tiger Bloom, and I will up it to 4 or 5 in a few weeks.
1 tbs of the Silicate, and I may up that to 2 in a few weeks
1 tbs of Bud Candy, and I will definitely up that by 5-10x during flower. I may also just go buy some Molasses and Sucant and start using that.


Well-Known Member
I decided I am going to go ahead and add some Brown Sugar in my water this time. Just the 1 tbs of the Bud Candy, but then I will add the Brown Sugar also.

What Brown Sugar does is really based on its Molasses content, and the best way to describe it is a Marathon runner. Forget that Brown Sugar contains Sugar for a minute, because the main point is Molasses. When someone is a Sprinter, they like to get quick energy. Sugar from Fruit, etc. Quick energy that is meant to be consumed and burned. But a Marathon Runner wants to eat more Carbs, because if you just eat quick energy food then it is more likely that you collapse before the end of the race. Molasses Contains Carbohydrates.

Here is a video

We all know about Photosynthesis, and everyone knows that it happens through Chlorophyll. But no one really takes the time to figure out what that means. Chlorophyll contains Chloride, which is 2 Chlorine Atoms combined. When light touches Chloride the two Atoms separate, which allows various reactions to occur, as Chlorine is very reactive. This is why you may have heard that LSD breaks down when exposed to light, this actually only happens if their is Chlorine in the water. Now, what plants are doing when they go through the Process of Photosynthesis is using the fact that Chlorine is more reactive in light, and using it to create sugars, that it can use for Energy.

Really the absolute most important thing in a Marijuana grow is making sure that you have enough Wattage to fill the area without any areas that seem dark, and then from there it is just about upping the Wattage and making sure that everything else (from Buckets, to Veg Time, to Nutes, to Soil, etc) are all good enough for the Lights to give the plants the Energy they need to grow, and then eventually produce Flowers.

So by adding a Nutrient like Bud Candy, or Moleasses and Sucant, what you are doing is adding those Carbohydrates, allowing your plant to have the right kind of Energy it needs to "Finish the Marathon" and produce the fattest Buds.

So I will add Brown Sugar with the Bud Candy today just because I have some, but I will add Moleasses and Sucant and more Bud Candy later on.


Well-Known Member

These are two 27 year old Monkeys, the one that was given less food than he needed every day is on the right.

I personally had the idea of Epigenetic breeding before I even knew what Epigenetics was, and when I learned what Epigenetics was, it completely proved my theory; and my theory was also based on evidence. What gave me the idea for stress breeding was Bouncing Bear Botanicals. They had San Pedro Cactus in like 2006 or something that was labeled “SS” which stood for “Super Stressed”. And since the age of 14 I had started reading everything I possibly could about Alkaloids, so when I found out that their theory behind “SS” was that alkaloids were a defense mechanism, and many plants had been shown to have alkaloids appear in larger amounts when introduced to slicing, stabbing, burning, and other forms of “Super Stress”. Their’s were Cacti that had been grown in harsh conditions, and stabbed and slashed. And the possibility was that that would have caused it to have more Mescaline.

Now THC is not exactly an Alkaloid, and no one knows if Stressing it will bring more out (so let’s find out). But UVB does bring out THCv, to protect from the UV rays. So there probably are ways to bring out more THC. And who cares if it brings out more in that particular generation, you can get the next Generation to be stronger, with higher THC content because of the stress of the parents. Epigenetics proves this.

I remember an old grower who said he had heard about people who used to hammer a nail into the stalk of their plant to make it produce more THC. And then someone else told me that they had known an old grower who would take his plants just before flower, and tie a cinder block to the top and stretch it out, then the branches would grow upwards like 3-6 plants, kind of like SCROG.

Most people breed plants by looking for “Vigor” and Vigor is usually a good sign that it is a good breeding plant? I actually will not water plants and let a bunch die; kind of a “only the strong survive” type test, and then only grow the ones that survive, because the other ones die. With the seedlings I started off with 1-7 seeds from each strain, and I now have 1 plant from each of those strains, because I let all the others die from underwatering, or being taken over by the other ones by being blocked from the light when their siblings got too big, or from the other ones taking over their Jiffy pack with their roots. So I don’t just look for Vigor, I look for Survivors.

Because my goal in Breeding originally was this:
I had come from Texas with 3,000 bagseeds or so from some bright green, Texas brick weed that was not bad except for that some energy had gone to making all the seeds. And I was using my Epigentic theory (before I knew about Epigenetics) in order to breed a “Ditch Weed strain” meaning that it was meant to be Johnny Appleseed-ed, and they would have good genetics for people to pull out of ditches, and people would not be mad to get pollen from a good Ditchweed. Basically just trying to make a strain that could survive anything, and basically make an American landrace.

Now I am basically doing the same thing, but with better genetics. I am going to be giving out seeds and clones, and mixing various landrace strains, and finding the plants that are survivors and have the best flavors and smells and THCv content. It’s just that right now I am not as focused on the survivors, I am just breeding the plants for now, and will be focusing more on the survivor aspect in later grows, once I have a good strain. But I will always find the best plants by letting a few die.

You know how you have probably had the thought that White people came from Cold, and then someone told you that it was more complicated than that, or just straight up told you you were wrong?

According to Epigenetics, you weren’t “wrong”, but you weren’t getting the whole picture. Epigenetics says that the likely reason for White people, is more likely a mixture of factors, 1 not the Cold and the Snow like a White Rabbit using Camouflage, but White people’s skin is actually due to a lack of UVB rays; which could either be accounted to the Climate, or living in Caves (like how you can see through a Cave Fish’s skin, and they have no eyes). Then there is also the possible factor of Albinos coming from Africa (Albinos are still taboo in many African tribes) and mixing with the Cave/Cold people, which is called “Recombination” of genetic material. For example, if one of the 2 sets of Darwin’s Finches made their way to the mainland, then on the mainland 2 groups were made because of a Mountain range that separated 2 groups of the 1 set for like 100,000 years; then at the end of that 100,000 years that new 3 species goes back to the island and breeds with the first one; Recombination. Then there is also the factor of things like Sickle Cell and Lactose Intolerance in higher rates in non-White genetics; the Sickle Cell is a protection from Malaria (and White people don’t have that protection), but Lactose Tolerance could be from living on Dairy in the Caves. Cheese and all that is just rotten milk and lasts a long time.

And all these factors had small effects on White DNA, making White people.

A more short term example is a test they have done with Mice, as well as the Monkey test where one Monkey was given less food than it needed over 27 years and it was much more vital (fuller hair, standing taller, etc) than the one that had gotten all the food it needed during the 27 years. In the Mouse experiment they took a mouse and had her live in a room with an electric floor, and they would put a lemon scent in the room, and shock her randomly. Then she got pregnant and when she had babies, every time they smelled lemons they would freak out like they were being shocked.

There are tons of experiments that have been done, and this is a completely accepted Science. And it’s not Human Science, or Mouse Science, or Monkey Science, it’s Genetic Science; so it applies to anything with DNA.

And just an example of how something like Lactose Intolerance would be turned to Lactose Tolerance. Everyone in a society that can’t survive on cheese because their body won’t take another animal’s rotten milk, dies, and everyone left is the new Genetic forefathers of those people. There may be many things that used to be poison to some humans, no one knows, because everyone that was allergic enough to make things like Broccoli or Beef poison to them, are all pretty much dead if they existed. There are a Million mutations that Humans may have gone through that are actually gone now, we just don’t know because it wasn’t the right mutation at the right time. Or the people with the mutation to accept it are the only ones left. Same thing happened with Ebola and the Plague.

Just an example of what someone could do:

If you literally infested a room with spider mites on purpose, then grow plants in that room for years, and breed only the ones that it seemed like the Spider Mites were ignoring more than others. Then eventually you might have a Spider Mite resistant Strain. There have already been mold and fungal resistant strains such as Holland’s Hope, created for outdoor growing in Cold, Wet Climates.
you may be onto something here with this monkey business! though monkey C does bear that 'Manson' stare? more work needed on this theory!
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Well-Known Member
I just picked up a bunch of kittens. I am planning on starving them to find out which is the strongest. Once the strongest has been determined, I plan on using it to breed a strain of super cats that will require 50% less cat food than all of the others.

I'll start a journal soon

Epigenetic, bitches!
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Well-Known Member
Also, people may have noticed that there are Ladybugs in my grow tent. This is because they eat things like Aphids and Thrips, so I just want to keep those kinds of Bugs out of the Tent.

You can also use Beneficial Nematodes to get rid of most things, and they are Microscopic, so you won't even notice them.
If anyone is looking for a place to get Ladybugs or Beneficial Nematoes, you can just get them both on Ebay. But if you have another infestation like Mites or Mealybugs, then go to

And I was talking to a person who wants to know more about growing, and when he saw the ladybugs, he said he might want to get some; then he asked if putting Worms in the Soil would help the Soil. And Worms do help the Soil, but if you are going to get Worms, you might as well just start composting, and eating more Fruits and Vegetables instead of stuff with bags. And you can also Compost Meat and Wood with Black Solider Fly Larvae. You can get those and Worms on Ebay also.

But after talking about that with him, I went and looked up Black Soldier Flies because I knew about them but I never actually like looked deeper into them. And right on the Wikipedia page it says that they produce a "Valuable Product called "Frass". So I went to the Frass Page on Wikipedia, and it says that Frass is full of Nutrients and Stimulates Blooming. And it just comes out of Black Solider Fly Larvae like Slug Goo.

And Frass is what actually makes the Soil of the Composted Meat not smell like Rotten Meat. So it's all over the Soil when you use these bugs to Compost.

Has anyone ever heard of anyone growing with Frass? This could be huge.


Well-Known Member
Take solace, none of your haters have ever posted on anything related to cannabis at all, ever, that's the real laugher....that should be telling in itself....or suspicious or cop like....