Do we have more mass shootings than years gone by?


Well-Known Member
do you have less ?

contry with highest firearm related death rate in the EU is Switzerland !
why ? military let Ppl. keep there fire arms at home even after end of duty, if you have em you might end up useing them, atleast you have the easy option ..

*getting ready to be flamed by Ppl. from the US*

no disrespect for all the victims may they RIP.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think they have increased quite significantly. I have done a bit of digging into this - sometimes it's hard to know as in years past communication wasn't as easy as it is today, but they appear to increased quite dramatically.

The cause isn't guns. IMO the cause is prescription drugs more than anything. SSRI's - a really really dangerous class of drug that should be treated with immense respect because of the potential side effects. One of the most dangerous side effects are psychotic breaks, occurring in a small % of patients - this is a state where you basically lose your mind. The fact that these kids usually end up killing themselves after the spree is over is IMO a reflection on their shifting mental state (from psychosis -> normal -> realization). Most psychotic breaks are actually harmless, but the small % that become violent (and they can) obviously have negative results.

They used to report on what kind of drugs these kids take. But not as much anymore. Almost every single one involved someone who was either on SSRI's or had a 'history of mental illness' whatever that means exactly.

It's also possible that video games are having an impact here as well, but I don't think you could place anything square on the shoulders as a direct cause/effect. It would appear more indirect to me, but there's less solid research in that area. It's on the inserts that certain types of drugs can cause these breaks. Marijuana can do this too although I think most varieties, due to the CBD contained, are less likely to cause a break.

Users of marijuana are also quite well aware they are 'altered'. I wonder how much knowing a potential side mental side effect such as this will affect your likely hood to experience it and how you deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think they have increased quite significantly. I have done a bit of digging into this - sometimes it's hard to know as in years past communication wasn't as easy as it is today, but they appear to increased quite dramatically. The cause isn't guns. IMO the cause is prescription drugs more than anything. SSRI's - a really really dangerous class of drug that should be treated with immense respect because of the potential side effects. One of the most dangerous side effects are psychotic breaks, occurring in a small % of patients - this is a state where you basically lose your mind. The fact that these kids usually end up killing themselves after the spree is over is IMO a reflection on their shifting mental state (from psychosis -> normal -> realization). Most psychotic breaks are actually harmless, but the small % that become violent (and they can) obviously have negative results.They used to report on what kind of drugs these kids take. But not as much anymore. Almost every single one involved someone who was either on SSRI's or had a 'history of mental illness' whatever that means exactly.It's also possible that video games are having an impact here as well, but I don't think you could place anything square on the shoulders as a direct cause/effect. It would appear more indirect to me, but there's less solid research in that area. It's on the inserts that certain types of drugs can cause these breaks. Marijuana can do this too although I think most varieties, due to the CBD contained, are less likely to cause a break.Users of marijuana are also quite well aware they are 'altered'. I wonder how much knowing a potential side mental side effect such as this will affect your likely hood to experience it and how you deal with it.
I'm fairly sure if I didn't smoke weed and kill people on Battlefield 3 for the stress relief Id kill someone in real life. The general public are pubes, Id wager the fact most people are total arseholes factors into the amount of mass shootings happening recently.


bud bootlegger
Yes, I think they have increased quite significantly. I have done a bit of digging into this - sometimes it's hard to know as in years past communication wasn't as easy as it is today, but they appear to increased quite dramatically.

The cause isn't guns. IMO the cause is prescription drugs more than anything. SSRI's - a really really dangerous class of drug that should be treated with immense respect because of the potential side effects. One of the most dangerous side effects are psychotic breaks, occurring in a small % of patients - this is a state where you basically lose your mind. The fact that these kids usually end up killing themselves after the spree is over is IMO a reflection on their shifting mental state (from psychosis -> normal -> realization). Most psychotic breaks are actually harmless, but the small % that become violent (and they can) obviously have negative results.

They used to report on what kind of drugs these kids take. But not as much anymore. Almost every single one involved someone who was either on SSRI's or had a 'history of mental illness' whatever that means exactly.

It's also possible that video games are having an impact here as well, but I don't think you could place anything square on the shoulders as a direct cause/effect. It would appear more indirect to me, but there's less solid research in that area. It's on the inserts that certain types of drugs can cause these breaks. Marijuana can do this too although I think most varieties, due to the CBD contained, are less likely to cause a break.

Users of marijuana are also quite well aware they are 'altered'. I wonder how much knowing a potential side mental side effect such as this will affect your likely hood to experience it and how you deal with it.
i was with you right up to the video games part as i don't buy this for a second.. surely video games are popular in japan, yet i don't see any mass killings there, even after the earthquake and floods they behaved nothing like some of the people after katrina did here.. :(


Well-Known Member
we also have mental kids on drugs here in scandinavia, but you dont hear much about em since they usually (if acting violent) attack Etc. a hospital/office/police station with a bread knife or similar and maybe cut a person or two in the act.

as guns are pretty hard to come by and we got strict gun laws its only the real hard criminals who carry them really, and sure if you REALLY want a gun or hurt somebody you can get a gun or make a bomb or whatever and them Ppl. are around sure, but its like 2 out of 100 maybe, would be nice to stop them 98 kids who have a bad day and do somethings stupid maybe do to illness, plain stupid to make it easy for them to have access to a gun ..

just my 2 cent


bud bootlegger
It is time for the media not to mention the killers names.
i couldn't agree more cheesus.. i got on this chic's case yesterday on my fb for continuing to post this scum fucks picture every three seconds saying this is the asshole who just gunned down 5 year old kids..

when i asked why she felt the need to do so she said she wanted to let people know what faces the devil comes in... :wall:


Well-Known Member
i was with you right up to the video games part as i don't buy this for a second.. surely video games are popular in japan, yet i don't see any mass killings there, even after the earthquake and floods they behaved nothing like some of the people after katrina did here.. :(
Harder to get guns in Japan. I'm not too up on what's going on over there socially though, that's for sure. Television is a really powerful force. Some of the experiments that have been done with it (lloooong ago) are rather surprising and even shocking IMO. Video games come through television (a known powerful force that can have tremendous psychological impact) and the fact it hasn't been examined too closely makes me wonder.

Either way I suspect it's more indirect. I think some of the drugs people take are a lot more dangerous than they realize and have caused quite a lot of these situations to evolve. A Canadian kid who recently murdered his best friend was aquitted because he was taking SSRI's and it was demonstrated that they can cause this kind of behavior. No motive, no nothing. His best friend. Starts taking prescribed SSRI's and his best friend ends up dead.


bud bootlegger
i believe it about those drugs ogevil.. i was just asked the other day if i'd like a flu shot and i lol'ed at the nurse and told her i don't trust no stinking big pharma co.. she looked at me as if i had a hole in me head, but for real for real, i seriously don't trust those peps..
i see on tv during the day time more commercials from law firms saying... "did you take asprins for a headache and now your dick is falling off?? if so, call the law firm of joe shmoe and get in on the class action law suit against phifer.." that shit is so beyond sickening to me it's not even funny.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The Battle of Stalingrad lasted nearly 7 months. Your life expectancy before you were shot dead was less than 24 hours.

In all, Soviet and Axis deaths numbered over 1.7 million.

I think we don't have mass shootings like that lately? Maybe we should return to those good old days? This modern era has had less deaths than ever since guns were invented. Before guns, people were killed by the millions because of germ warfare.

Yep, let's go back to them good ol' days!


Well-Known Member
nahhh lets move forward instead, no need to stay still or stay in the "stone ages" and no need to compare war with insecure mental kids with access to guns, but sure if you have to compare a 200 years old weapon law you might aswell compare it with WW2, both totally out of date ..