Do we subsidize the rich?

Do we subsidize the rich?

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New Member
hey medman, you are going to lose your socialist membership card if you don;t immediately disavow these scandalous lies and start singing the virtues of government.
Shh ... Don't tell Med yet. ~lol~ We are having an influence on him. He's about half way to becoming a libertarian/conservative. Only another half way to go before he's a Reaganite. :bigjoint:



New Member
Shh ... Don't tell Med yet. ~lol~ We are having an influence on him. He's about half way to becoming a libertarian/conservative. Only another half way to go before he's a Reaganite. :bigjoint:

I'm more than halfway to hell, also. I'll probably end up there with Reagon, Nixon, The Bush's, 41&43 and all those republican rapscallions


Well-Known Member
With all the tax breaks and loop holes for big business, the oil company giveaways, the bailouts for investors, the end of SS contributions for those making over $100,000, the Bush tax cuts for the rich Etc., are we actually subsidizing the rich??
In a vicarious kind of way I do think we do subsidize the rich. We don't necessarily give them money per se, but we do make it a lot easier for them to make more money, keep money and play off the rest of the working class.

Basically we (the workers) are just here to make their living (we do the hard part, they get the check). Think of the job you do, If there was a machine that could do it do you honestly think you would have that job?

We may not subsidize them directly, but there are just a few people that control almost all the money, and our political/economical system is going to leave that just as it is.


New Member
In a vicarious kind of way I do think we do subsidize the rich. We don't necessarily give them money per se, but we do make it a lot easier for them to make more money, keep money and play off the rest of the working class.

Basically we (the workers) are just here to make their living (we do the hard part, they get the check). Think of the job you do, If there was a machine that could do it do you honestly think you would have that job?

We may not subsidize them directly, but there are just a few people that control almost all the money, and our political/economical system is going to leave that just as it is.
Well, there's your opportunity to become rich, cleatis. Invent the machine! :bigjoint:



New Member
Now there is the republican attitude in a nutshell. No concern about the job loss, just invent the machine. Typical repuke bullshit.
Right, Med. And if you had your way, the buggy whip manufacturers would still be in business and their workers would be making $400 a day, working a 35 hour work week, with the retirement age at 40. All driven by Union Bosses, of course. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Lets see... a machine that does a repetitive job freeing up people to do more interesting work.

I see nothing wrong with using the machine.


New Member
Lets see... a machine that does a repetitive job freeing up people to do more interesting work.

I see nothing wrong with using the machine.
~lol~ But that's forward thinking. Med and most progressives are always looking back toward the past when unions stifled progress.



Well-Known Member
Strange, when I look at the past I see an era when people were excited by the fact that automation and industrialization was progressing so quickly that it seemed like everyone would soon not have to work and still would have massive amounts of consumer goods.

Of course, looking at now, I see it was true. Our clothes is a lot cheaper than it was back then, and of higher comparative quality (based on price). We have more options in entertainment, more options in travel. We are healthier, live longer, have more free time that we can use.

What I dont understand is why people are now suddenly against increased automation and increased industrialization.


New Member
Its not everyone, TBT. Only the ones who don't understand and appreciate capitalism and free markets. They base their thinking and emotions on fear. They have a negative outlook and are usually very envious of achievers. As Zig Ziglar would put it ... "They have Stinkin' Thinkin' ..." :lol:

Zig Ziglar is "Da Man." Here's some more of his quotes:

Zig Ziglar Quotes



New Member
Its not everyone, TBT. Only the ones who don't understand and appreciate capitalism and free markets. They base their thinking and emotions on fear. They have a negative outlook and are usually very envious of achievers. As Zig Ziglar would put it ... "They have Stinkin' Thinkin' ..." :lol:

Zig Ziglar is "Da Man." Here's some more of his quotes:

Zig Ziglar Quotes

Say Vi, Did you notice the crash of the free market thingy, the thingy you and I are going to have to bail out to the tune of 700 Billion++. When will you ever learn that without regulation, free markets disintegrate with greed.


Well-Known Member
Say Vi, Did you notice the crash of the free market thingy, the thingy you and I are going to have to bail out to the tune of 700 Billion++. When will you ever learn that without regulation, free markets disintegrate with greed.
Erhm, MedMan, you really need to wake up and lay off your medicine, or take more of it. Whatever would result in you being more sane.

The "regulation" you point out at is what is pushing this "crisis" higher and higher.

That 700 Billion dollar bail out is Regulation, the 85 Billion dollar bail out of AIG is more regulation.

The only people the government is protecting is the Big Banking and Insurance Firms. Those companies that some how make billions of dollars out of nothing.


Well-Known Member
Its not everyone, TBT. Only the ones who don't understand and appreciate capitalism and free markets. They base their thinking and emotions on fear. They have a negative outlook and are usually very envious of achievers. As Zig Ziglar would put it ... "They have Stinkin' Thinkin' ..." :lol:

Zig Ziglar is "Da Man." Here's some more of his quotes:

Zig Ziglar Quotes


Interesting Quotes there...


Well-Known Member
Lets see... a machine that does a repetitive job freeing up people to do more interesting work.

I see nothing wrong with using the machine.
I think my point was kind of missed, that or I didn't clarify enough. I meant that as a worker you are more along the lines of a living breathing machine. If the wealthy could get wealthy without all us working saps they surely would without care or notice about the condition we would be in.

In short, the only reason we have a job is so that a handful of people can have all the wealth and power - and day by day that happens just a little more. They get all the money and the other 95% of us get less and less that we have to fight over. It's kind of like the peasants and the nobles, we're becoming more and more like peasants every day.


New Member
They've done a good job at "proving" to everyone that free markets don't work. They've diluted our systems of economics and government to pave the way for a "savior system" aka Socialism IMHO. This time we won't be able to sail across the sea to uncharted territory to start over.


Well-Known Member
In a way they did make billions of dollars out of nothing - part of the problem.
In a way? Both industries thrive on making money out of nothing. Banks do it with interest, and Insurance does it with the difference between premiums collected and claims paid. They don't actually produce anything for the money that they receive.

Though I should probably target banks a little more firmly. I would love to be able to get away with the kind of magical conjuration our banks get away. Get some one to give me $100, lend out $90, have the person keep the $90 on deposit so I can claim to have $190 in deposits and $90 in loans, then loan out another $81 (the new $90/deposit) and require that to be kept on deposit, then I can claim I have $271 on deposit and only $171 on loans from an original deposit of $100. The catch 22 is then I get to charge interest on the loans which is going to exceed the interest (if any) on the deposits (if they don't have fees of some kind attached).


New Member
^^^^^ Yeppers ... If only every American understood that, we'd have our libertarian revolution and we'd be back on the Gold Standard.
