Does baking with cannibutter smell?


New Member
im going to be makingg cannibutter in a crockpot outside, this way it doesnt smell. i was wondering if after i freeze my cannibutter, does the cannibutter smell? if i make brownies inside, will the cannibutter smell in my oven???


Well-Known Member
yes but not as bad... if the butter was done right there will be a slight smell

run the fans and open the windows the smell will be gone in 30-45 mins.. My wifey hates the smell when I cook mine so I normally do that outside, however there are days when she is not home and I have free range of the kitchen so... I'll go for it.. I have even decarbed in the house .. that took more work to clear out.. that really needs to be done outside.

welcome to RIU

technical dan

Active Member
the butter itself will also smell and will smell when it is used to cook. The strength of the smell will vary by the amount of plant matter in the butter. If you want something sneakier: hash.