Does it look ready for harvest?


Active Member
This plant is exactly 5 months old and it has been producing weed for about 2 weeks. It's growing outdoors and now that its winter there are only 10 hours of sunlight and usually cloudy. Humidity is already at about 75%. Should I let it grow some more time or does this look like the maximum weed I can get from this plant?
The first picture is 1 month ago before any of the leaves had fallen out and no weed had appeared. The next 3 pictures are from today.



Well-Known Member
In the flowering stage you should be using Blooming fertilizers that are low in N(nitrogen) but high in Phosphorous and potassium basically different from the ones you used in the vegetative stage. If you want to smoke that baby next week or 2 then I think its to late for blooming fertilizers because people usually put them early in the flowering stage. As far as bat guano I dont know, maybe a more experienced outdoor grower can answer that question.


Well-Known Member
i'd add someorganic blackstrap molasses to that girl, it provides sugar and carbs to the buds if you had started usiing it early it would have swelled your buds, couldn't hurt to add now if you're gunna go another few weeks, some people flush the molasses before harvest others don't


Well-Known Member
haha i thought for a sec that you were looking to harvest the plant in your first pic. scared me for a sec. because its winter now, i would watch your temps outside. make sure it doesnt drop below freezing or you might see some problems. if you want, you could add nuits now but that only means add another two weeks of flushing after your done adding nuits. i agree with adding molasses. its sugars so you wont have to worry so much about flushing and it can only help (not everyone reports good resluts with adding molasses but i havnt read one report of it hurting a grow)

hope this helps.