Droopy, dry and slightly discoloured plants


Well-Known Member
Hi all, hoping to get a bit of guidance here.

I transplanted my plants from small pots to 3gal pots last week. Before I did, I noticed a slight discoloration but figured it was due to lack of nutes. I planted back in MG soil with nutes so I haven't fed yet.

However, a couple of them are seemingly on life support. Pic one and two are the oldest plants after a bad start. Pic one really looks like she's in trouble. The leaves are very dry to the touch.

Pic 3 and 4 are of a much more recently planted sprout, but I figured out watering and soil compression by the time I buried her so she's doing far better. However, even some of her bottom leaves are kind of canoeing, yet she has no discoloration. Is that normal?

Any pointers will be much appreciated. Also, on pic four, is this about the stage where I can consider fimming? This will be my mother plant, if I can keep her alive ;)



ps. sorry about the pic quality


Active Member
looks like some transplant shock and a cal mag deficiency. i recommend using CALMAG from botanicare as a foilar spray....it also has nitrogen in it. could also be to close to the light but im not sure what your growing with. they will LOVE the foilar spray. i see new growth so they are definitely savable. hope this helps ;)


Well-Known Member
looks like some transplant shock and a cal mag deficiency. i recommend using CALMAG from botanicare as a foilar spray....it also has nitrogen in it. could also be to close to the light but im not sure what your growing with. they will LOVE the foilar spray. i see new growth so they are definitely savable. hope this helps ;)
I can grab some cal/mag spray tomorrow from my grow shop. I'm under a 135w LED and 6 CFLs around them. LED is ~13" away from plants and CFLs are a couple to four inches away. Look close to the bottom of the 1st page in my sig for some environment pics if you wish. (Post #7 on that thread to be precise).

Thanks for the feedback!
