Drug War Video


Well-Known Member
Good points made here.



Well-Known Member
I spent a little bit of Time in a Mexican Jail, thankfully they got me out before i went to general population. They kill the gringos in Gen Pop.


Well-Known Member
americans have no idea how bad it is in mexico b/c the news in the US doesn't report most of what happens in juarez.

a friend of mine from over there said that shootouts leaving 20-30 ppl dead are not uncommon. and if you think the 'authorities' in the US are fucked up, mexico is on another level:

yeah, i was working down near juarez a while back, and people warned me to stay away from a certain exit as it would put you on the other side of the border in juarez before you could flip a bitch. even the mexicans did not want to go to juarez. not even the allure of cigarettes at $1-$2 per pack could convince me to cross the border.

that place is FUCKED.