Dwc - leaves curling/looking sick


Hey everyone!

I need some help here guys. This is my first grow in dwc. I'm in week 2 with these clones. Here's my setup :

Dwc- 5 gal.
T8 light - 4 inches from top
Nutes at 400 ppm
PH at 5.8
Water temp is around 72 room temp is 77 with 55% humidity.

My leaves are curling and dying. Recently, I thought I had some fungus in my bucket, so I cleaned that out really well, cleaned the roots. Then I noticed little white bugs on the under side of the leaves, so I used soapy water, neem oil (sprayed with lights on) and hung a hot shot bug strip. A day or two later the leaves are curling and dying. I'm not sure what's going on. The roots look Ok, the plants looked like it had nice new green growth but now they are curling and dying. Please, someone lend a helping hand. I'd appreciate it. 20140831_093008.jpg20140831_093026.jpg 20140831_093058.jpg
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