DWC -- New seedling Help!!!!!!!!!

These girls are about 2 weeks old, they sprouted well and then about 2 days ago they began to droop and discolor. When they began to droop I lowered the water level to about 4 inches below the bottom of the net pot. This didn't help, instead they began to turn brown. I added a very small amount of nutrients and raised the water level back up to one inch below the net pots about 12hours ago.
Water comes from the faucet at 113ppm and with nutrients added the water in the DWC is 220ppm.
pH = 7.
Res temp is about 72, air temp is about 77.
Lights are CFL.

I can't find anything in threads about this so please help and any input will be much appreciated!


Lemon king

Well-Known Member

lower ph to exactly 5.7 not 5.6 or 5.8 but 5.7....then monitor nonstop and adjust as it rises!!

this is whats causing your problems!, they are so young to be having these problems you may be better off ditching em or starting a fresh batch.

so sort ph to 5.7 or start again (keeping ph at 5.7 it should always go up!)
Lockout with no roots showing through the bottom of the pots yet? It was my understanding that you didn't need to adjust the water until roots were visible.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
DWC grows extremely fast compared to other methods, problems can show up over night and vanish the next day. (your overnight droopyness)

the plant might not have any roots you can see from the bottom of the pot, but it is working its way down. 2 weeks of pure water is a long flush.

and as your ph is way to high id assume p has been locked out.

google plant problems chart, see what you think???

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
see how you go from here, this advice aint free though, make sure you take the time to keep us updated ive a funny feeling your onto good things!

jus remember to adjust ph every morning n nite if need be.

if you have any probs in the future check the ph first, ph flux can make plants deformed n all sorts!!
I'll post updates, I change the water on Sundays so I'll post them then!
I'm gonna try some foliar feeding as well, a very very light nutrient mix.
So I decided to sacrafice one and pulled it out of the set up, the tips of the roots look brown as if they're almost drying up. What would cause this? The entire inside of the bucket is wet from the splashing of air bubbles, so I don't think its dry. Any ideas?

I don't know why I'm having so many problems on this grow, everything is the same setup as my last DWC grow and those plants are in flowering and doing really well.


So they are doing great and I think they will grow good from now on. I moved the rock wool cubes closer to the bottom of the net pot. They were clearly too far away from the water and they weren't getting any water or nutrients. I have kept the pH at 5.7 and they have some good root growth beginning to form.
And that smaller one has two sprouts coming from one seed so I'm excited to see how that one grows, not really sure what to expect.

Thanks for the help!



Well-Known Member
Put the ppm at like 600-900ppm and they'll look better.

1600ppm+ is overfeeding. Less than 600ppm is very little.

Everyone comes here with underfed babies and asks why they're growing so slow, and everyone suggests to "flush", even when it's DWC and you can perfectly set the PPM and thus know you won't burn them.

Trust me, there's never a time when you're supposed to have 200ppm in DWC. Similarly, if you use soil, it should be rich in nutrients already when you start.
These are the same plants 3 weeks into flowering. The problem was the distance between the rockwool cubes and the water. They couldn't soak up the nutrients they needed so the roots began to die and the plant itself followed. I moved them closer, did some foliar feeding and within a few days they looked better. Sorry for the delay in response-the summer internship and growing have soaked up all my time-I'll post some pictures closer to the end and let you all know how they have progressed. Thanks for all the input guysIMG_0385.jpg