Early harvest, what would happen?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if anybody for one reason or another ever harvested a plant or a crop really early, like, halfway into flower period for example...

I'm not doing it, but I was curious as to how potent the buds were at this stage and what kind of weight loss there was during drying in comparison etc.

Just though it would be neat to know


Well-Known Member
-You get less dope to smoke.
+you get dope sooner.

head high instead of the make you goto sleep high if i remember correctly.


Well-Known Member
well.... your high will be different. maybe to your liking, maybe not. you'll have less to harvest.
personally... after all the LOVE and CARE you gave your crop I wouldn't consider getting impatient now and cutting it before its "prime."

if you really need a smoke try pulling off some of the smaller stuff from the bottom to smoke for now and let your baby keep going.