Eclipse Strain Bagseed from Farmer Market, Hermie/Regular Q's


Well-Known Member
I just recently started growing and have my operation max'd. So I went to the farmers market and got about 1/2 oz of Eclipse. This bud smokes really nice but I found probably 60 seeds in it. Since I don't know how these seeds got pollinated I'd have to assume the plant was probably hermaphroditic.

Here's the thing, I saw nothing indicating actual male flowers in my bud, however there were several undeveloped and under-developed seeds beyond the ~60 I picked, and there were several really nice fat seeds. I got probably about 20-30 nice looking seeds and the rest are all oddly shaped.

So there's one technique I've heard growers will place (and aparently is common around the growers in this farmers market) a male with the females to grow bigger buds, and that some get pollinated, so this is another possibility that it's Eclipse x Unknown male. Another possibility is that a lot of the growers here grow organic/outdoors being Oregon is a great area to grow outdoors, that maybe it was a sort-of Gorilla(sp?) crop and got naturally polinated by males that weren't pulled.

The buds are a bit dark and it's really stony so it's also possible the guy just waited way too long to harvest or had another stress that caused it's survival mode to kick in. If this is the case I've heard you can still get female seeds if you don't stress them too much.

Here's the it worth germinating/planting these and by good selection process should it be possible to get a 1st generation non-hermaphroditic plant from one of these if the plant was hermie? Or would it be best just to play "Johnny Apple Weed" and plant these somewhere for someone else to find or harvest them away from my grow so that I don't pollinate my crop?

Serious answers only please, If there's a moderate possibility then I'm all for the experiment.


Active Member
Im sorry i just have to know: how the fuck did you not notice 60 seeds in a half ounce of bud? Like wtf are you blind?


Well-Known Member
well, the way the FM is setup, you are shown some samples and you tell them what you want, and you give them a "donation card"... There's no expectation that you'll receive anything in return (as that would be illegal with Oregon's MMP program). And they put another jar of what you want in a bag for you. I sorta knew it would have some seeds anyway, but I didn't expect that many. The guy is a regular at the clinic and appears to be an independent (it's a non-profit) grower. Honestly it's not such a big deal, I'm on my first grow right now and the weight of the seeds is probably less than or about 1g.