Ever Tried Putting Other Liquids In a Bubbler?


Active Member
I have a little mini-bubbler I usually use, and I am the only person I know that doesn't just use water. I've tried every liquid under the sun. I personally feel like it changes the taste of the smoke, though that's probably just the tiny particles of the liquid getting into my mouth unnoticed, but either way, i like it more than water.

what liquids do you put in a bubbler?


Well-Known Member
Careful, and make sure you clean it well. The last think you want is mold or corn syrup buildup.
And I only use water for my bubbler. I love my bubbler, the chamber is like the size of your heart.


Well-Known Member
Dude I've heard of people putting Listerine inside of bongs/bubblers sounds like it would be cool. Lol I thought of putting blood in my bong but forgot that blood goes bad yeah thats a bad idea. I don't like soda because the carbon dioxide seems to come up with the smoke, but Monsters taste like Green Goblin (Jamaican x Skunk #1) that would probably taste good bubble out the carbon dioxide though.


Active Member
Don't put ANY carbonated drinks in it..it bubbles up to your mouth and you can't take as big hits and it tastes nasty! I really like putting water mixed with crystal light packets (powder)...that way it doesn't bubble up but it tasted delicious.


Well-Known Member
What about Miwadi or other dilutable drinks? They come in a massive array of flavours and are heavily concentrated for more flavour...never tried anything but beer whilst drunk, and it was just like sucking a warm can of beer with weed in it!


Active Member
Why tamper with the smoke of an amazing herb? Why not just light it and shove it in your mouth? Why even tamper with an amazing herb in general? Why not just shove it in your mouth unlit and swallow it?

To make it more enjoyable...


Well-Known Member
Sweet TEA!!! sounds weird i know... i had to use what was at hand, Mc D's sweet tea to be exact. taste was mostly herb if not a bit sweeter and bongwater smell? hellZ no!


Active Member
Yeah I tried Arizona tea and it was really really good, but the bong smells horrible in the end. Only problem I get is carbonation..it bubbles it up and makes it so hard to take big hits.