experienced grower completely stumped

Been growing for a while now, dont post on these threads ever because i like to keep to myself, sometimes look for info or helpful ideas. Thats neither here nor there, i have a problem i cant figure out and no one who i know can either. I have this problem uniformly across my soil only not into my hydro, I have a perfect ph of 6.5 for the soil, i use stealth RO water, and a cal mag suplement, i am seeing yellowing inter veinal chlorosis and the stems are turning purple/red and the veins of the leaves ar deep chrimson also, leaves slowly deteriorate and die, and some circular brown spots of necroses appear also. Cannot be nutrient burn as this happens to seedlings in a very weak pro mix soil, that get no food, and is happening to them on the first set of leaves, so cannot be a defficiency either. also the mothers in happy frog (the mothers are very well established and can handle it) have it happening. This occurs at the top of the plants and is not heat stress or bleaching because it occurs in the flower room that is vented to 77 constant with breeze or the veg room were it is t5s at 70s. only common denominator is that its in dirt, and i have tried numerous dirts. The plants will live but it is a constant battle of in and out of this state? I cannot post a picture unfortunately i am sorry, i know it is hard, hoping some unknown guru might stumble across this and say..ah ha i know what that is, so yo recap good ph, good dirt, good temps, good light, good RO water, FML!
seedlings are in dome about 12 inches from t5s and mothers are bout 6 inches, no pests that i can see and it is happening to new seedlings that just hit new dirt
they dont get anything i am lost


Well-Known Member
what's your tap water hardness? Do you recycle your soil or mix a new batch each grow? It sounds like they have the classic symptom of a Cal-Mag disorder and I guess you've been told that and discarded it because it's happening on the upper growth. Nevertheless Mg is mobile in Cannabis in case you didn't know. I'd say if your tap water is under 200ppm, discard the RO filter and keep supplying your plants cal-mag, if you don't see any improvement it's possible your PH is too acidic and you wont be able to rise it no matter what you do, so transplanting to limed soil would be the approach in that case. I'll wait for your feedback on this.
well on the issue of tap water, my hardness was not very bad when tested, but i thought it might have still been an issue back when i got the RO, or rather the issue (actually why i started the ro ironically) , as i found white buildup around hydroton girls on table, so u can see i have had this issue it is a pain, and it is still persisting. can CAL MAG still be an issue even if i supplement 5ml per 4qt