First grow...opinions and advice would be appreciated =]


So, im a first time grower :-P...after getting seeds from my cousin(idk what strain it is he didnt tell me) i started the germing process i planted each of the seeds into individual spots in a ice shot maker tray i had (FYI if your wondering what the green tray was lol).
I planted them in soil on march 1st, they are 3 days old and i planted them in soil i had from another plant in my house and they are growing pretty quick...
well 2 are going downwards idk why??? the other two are looking fine. im just wondering if they are looking okaii from what you can see...
I don't have a set up yet im figuring out how i am going to actually build my own set up to be discreet in my home. i am thinking of using lED lights, Just experimenting...hoping my first grow will be a success :-P

any help/advise would be appreciated.

