first time ive taken clones!! nute help?


Well-Known Member
k so the mother is about 5 weeks old and i have not given here any kind of nutrients. i have been told that they can take nutes as soon as i transplant them and they have roots. is this true or is it going to burn them?


New Member
Well if i were you i wouldnt give the clones any nutes still they are well-rooted cause the cloning gel last a bit i believe.


Well-Known Member
yea i wouldnt give it to them untill they are rooted good but i was wondering if i should give it to them super diluted since the mom never had nutes?


Well-Known Member
2 to 3 weeks after they are rooted and put in the hydro system? Or do you mean 2-3 weeks right after u clone?


Well-Known Member
as soon as they root good im putting them in my system and then waiting like another week. then adding it.