First time with acid


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I got a hit from one of my friends and I'm thinking about trying it when I go to the beach soon. I have never tripped before not shrooms or anything so I'm a little nervous, is it a bad idea to take this with no other experience? Any tips/anything I should know? Thanks. :peace::joint:
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OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
i have used the metaphor of beach to describe hallucinogenic experiences. There is certainly a level of experience required to be able to ponder out in the lake- one must know how to swim. With psychedelics this means it is good to have an understanding of how to control your trip, and how you personally trip. Because as you enter the beech and swim away your mind enters a trip and swims off- knowing how far out to swim and how to tread water is important, and requires an understanding of your conscious- if your a paranoid person- you will be paranoid- if you have self doubt it may reveal itself- also mind the people you are with- tripping has a tendency to make people kind of introverted and big groups often resort to awkward silence and goofy giggles- not the type of deep experience you could prep yourself for.

That being said- tune in, turn on, and drop out. for a little while- not completely like tim leary (famous 60's acid head and spiritual leader). I think the beach will be a perfect place for a swim in the minds waters.


Well-Known Member
The beach would be great and depending on the strength of your does you may or may not want to go swimming. Acid has a tendency to make feel invincible and I would fear that I could think I could walk on water like jesus. But the ocean will be really fun to see the power of nature and LSD will definitely make you see that.

One word of advice. Just be chill and you will be chill. Don't get worked up about anything.


Well-Known Member
do not drink...take small amounts at a time or the experience will be no fun...dont take more than what is needed for your system...its not like weed lol