Flower < Veg diformed

The soil looks very dry and also it appears heat stressed considerably. That’s Clearly identifiable by the fact the leaves are curled & your soil is extremely dry looking. You need to cut tiny holes in the bottom so soil don’t fall out but water can run through. Since it’s plastic you'll have to run water through Until the soil is completely saturated & allow it to drain out the bottom into a tub of some sort. Some strains are drought resistant, But I don’t believe yours is. Knowing that moving forward you really need to stay on top of taking care of your plants. Yes they are technically weeds & will do Everything in their power to survive but these aren’t tamagotchis or a Nintendo game these are a living species that need cared for almost like a child. Luckily there is a vast amount of resources you can use to make the job easier on yourself. Just remember when you remove these from nature you take on the responsibility & have to give them everything nature would give it. Outside in nature A tap root will burrow as deep as it needs, to find water when grown outside. By being restricted by your container & removed from its natural environment, it needs airflow & a considerable effort.

Good Luck