FOLIAR FEEDING THREAD, share your favorate foliar feeding recipe that really works...


lol I was hunting forums for info on foliar feeding AN's overdrive? And read the start of thread , thought I'll reply to request for special mixes . After posting I realised I'd posted similar bolloxs last week! Lol bud factor X has and still in my f. Feeding regime. Should I stop using a couple weeks before flush?


I love neem , so many uses . Powerful all natural (tree) insecticide anti fungal anti septic anti loads of shit. I use it for prevention all way through grow but 5 weeks before chop I only spray the top of my pots (clay balls) and the naked stalks from lollipop and all round grow area intake filter ect but NOWHERE near flowers 5 weeks before chop as makes bud taste like neem . I guess you know that but I post for anyone new to neem . You will need a surfactant with most neem concentrate. G.E.T a Canada company make my favourite neem and I add RAW yukka to it or washing up liquid if out (drop) with warm water. Growing Edge Technologies
Been using liquid kelp for ever. Cheap and is acidic. Use Alaska brand from local store. Mix as directed spray when lights out. See a bug and switch to Neem oil. Buds really love micro nutes.


Today I spray my pots and clay pebbles, main stalks and basically everything in tent except buds/leaves with neem as a preventive. Depends on stage and reason. This latest grow the clones my mate grew for me had root rot on the tiny roots they had so I spray roots before transplant then spray leaves daily with colloidal nano silver, amazing results. Massive root system quick and the deep dark green of the clones ooozed health. I'm in week 6 of a 8-10week flowering hybrid iced grapefruit and I've been using A.N bud factor X for first time, too tight too pay for crab shells! I mix 2ml of that with 2ml of AN nevana , 1ml diamond Necta and Epsom salt or calmag/iron mix by humbolt secret depending on mg needs. I used to put a drop of super thrive but stopped when I realised the auxins that can be useful in veg slow flowering time and can lessen yield . Late veg/ switch spray is different this time I used AN (freebies) root tribe and foliar sprayed along with enzymes humic acid , salisilic acid and a secret ingredient I always use since discovering that slows stretch and speeds flowering time. Bit of evolution sometimes for recovery but only once a week max. It's strange stuff not sure about it. I often spray after or alternative days between my bud factor X mix and colloidal silver as a preventative of mould mildew as well as general health . Ps normally use RAW yucca as a surfactant but AN nevana has it in as well as Chilean soap bark. I'm new . Hi. Don't hate me
What was the strength of your silver solution? Both on the roots and leaves