for 38 minutes, hawaii feared nuclear destruction. trump played golf.


Well-Known Member
Pedo? In what was is he a pedo? Seems like he has a thing for milf pornstars and hot East Europeean models... you know, like most normal males who aren't mentally ill liberals.
So you like milf pornstars and eastern european whores?
Does your wife know?
Why doesn't that statement surprise from a Trump supporter.
You probably think it's cool that he brags about grabbing women by their genitals, right?
And you have the balls to call Liberals mentally ill?
Your fucked up, my friend.
Nah, I think its "uncool" to call black people super predators for 2 decades, oppose gay marriage for 3 decades, take billions from Saudi Arabia and Wall Street... But then pretend to be a saintly good girl when running for president.

Trump did not win the last election, Hillary lost it.

Most people saw right though how horrible a human being and candidate she was and picked the lesser of two bad choices.

If the Democratic candidate had been Bernie or Joe Biden, you can bet the government would look a whole lot different today.
You're proud of him for lying?
Hasn't done anything yet, has he? Sessions simply rescinded a meaningless memo that had no legal authority to do a thing. That was part of the campaign promise, to get rid of useless bureaucracy. For all we know Trump could announce the end of Federal prohibition next week.


Well-Known Member
Hasn't done anything yet, has he? Sessions simply rescinded a meaningless memo that had no legal authority to do a thing. That was part of the campaign promise, to get rid of useless bureaucracy. For all we know Trump could announce the end of Federal prohibition next week.
Yes, because reversing an Obama era rule that protects medical patients is always something you do before legalization.

Are you really this dumb, cuckleberry fin?


Well-Known Member
Pedo? In what was is he a pedo? Seems like he has a thing for milf pornstars and hot East Europeean models... you know, like most normal males who aren't mentally ill liberals.
he raped a 13 year old child at jeffrey epstein's house. there were multiple witnesses. a judge found the case credible enough to go forward. then they got more witnesses.

he also endorsed pedophile roy moore and had multiple pedophiles working for his campaign.