Found a scary looking bug with a microscope, help identify please!


Well-Known Member
I found this creepy ass little bug on a leaf I pulled off one of my buds. I'm hopin it just randomly got stuck in the trichomes. Can anyone identify it?

It's got a yellow body with clear looking antenne and has a praying mantis type head.
Im seriously freaked out...



Active Member
looks like the insect called ARTISOU that french people put on there cheese to treat it. I believe they are harmless because when I ate the cheese you can barely taste them.


Active Member
Looks like some kind of louse. Hopefully it didn't come off your body =x got any pets?

it looks like thrips.....

do they bite you????

get rid of them!!!!

the only thing worse is the spiddr mites....

they drain the leaves of all their juice!!!!

you want some neam oil