Fox2 Let it Rip Medical Marijuana, because it good to hear reason


Well-Known Member
Skip the first 12 min segment, unless you want to hear how welfare should be an unlimited right...

For anyone who has ever had trouble convincing an individual of the medicinal properties of Cannabis, I've found Dr. Mechoulam to be the Godfather of Cannabis pharmacology. Here is a 5 part lecture/seminar if you will...

For anyone who has faced the argument that we have Marinol, therefore the MMMP is unnecessary, politely educate them that, Marinol is only a synthetic form of THC delta9 [the psychotropic component that is responsible for the concern that someone might have a good time] and nothing more. All of the cannabidiol [one of the most promising constituents of cannabis] and other components of Cannabis are void from this pill they think so highly of. Further more one could go on to discuss decarboxylation and the difficulties it presents the drug manufacturer. Finally, here is how it could be handled after the fed removes the stick from it's ass.... :peace:
