Free Seed Ring


Well-Known Member
their are things such as free spore rings where people donate spores for free.

is their a Free Seed Ring Site?
Yes sir, there are. They're usually called "Seed Banks", in the classical sense of a seed bank being a depository of different seeds for storage and trade. While I'm sure you could find some online, I know they're often notoriously hard to find and break into; it's usually a collection of mutually acquainted growers and breeders who trade amongst themselves.

You'd be better off going to a Cannabis Club in California or something of the sort. Or just dishing out the cash to a commercial seed company.



Well-Known Member
i thought is sounded like a good idea. maybe we can sponcer one of our own or something.

i dont wanna give out a bad vibe, i thought this would be about peace,love,unity & respect.