From the Son of Chong Recipes


Well-Known Member

This recipe is the basis for just about everything that follows, as THC is fat-soluble. Butter works best, but olive oil or a saturated-fat oil will also do the job.


One forumula is 2-7 grams of bud or 1/4-1 oz of leaf for a 1/4 lb. stick of butter, yielding a dose (in inverse proporations) of 1/2-2 tbsp per person.

Method 1

. The buds or leaf should be crumbled into small flakes or powder.
2. The herb and butter or oil go in a doubler boiler, a small pot inside a larger pot filled with water; this prevents the butter-herb mix from burning, as it can if cooked directly on the stove. Cooking on the stove needs the lowest heat possible with a few tablespoons of water added, and frequent stirring. Use organic butter-you don't want pesticides or growth hormones in your food, and margine, unless organic, is probably made with oil from genetically modified corn or soybeans. It takes around 20-45 minutes to cook and it's important not to let it burn. If you burn it, not only do you ruin the high, but the flavor is awful.
3. When done, the leaf residue can be strained out, otherwise everything with it will taste like pot. (The leftover herb can then be chopped up further and added to an "herbed bread" recipie.) I suggest using cannabutter to cook an omelet or for grilled cheese sandwiches, while cannabis oil can be used to suate a veggie mix, or chilled and use to season.

Method 2

Another method is to put enough water in a soup pot to more than cover the herb, and then add butter and simmer for a couple of hours. Chilling in the refrigerator will separate the butter from the old skanky water. The water can then be drained through a hole poked in the chilled butter. Then the butter is heated enough to press the leaf out and rechilled in a metal bowl. The remaining water is then drained off and what is left is the most gorgeous green lovin' butter! Whatever isn't used can be refrigerated or frozen.


Well-Known Member
Brownies are perhaps the one dish most associated with cannabis cruisine, ever since the inclusion of "hashisch fudge" in The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook, the witty memoir/cookbook published by Gertrude Stein's companion in 1954. This recipe comes from a New York anarchist gourmet.


9 oz. Unsweetened chocolate (not bittersweet, not semisweet).
10 oz "enhanced" butter
9 large eggs
2 lbs (yes pounds!) white sugar
1/2 tbsp vanilla extract
1/2 tbsp salt
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
8 oz. walnut halves, chopped


The chocolate and cannabutter are gently melted together over very low heat or in a double boiler. Chocolate separates if heated too much, so this has to be done carefully. The mixture is blended until throughly combined and then cooled to room temperature.

The eggs are beaten in one at a time using an electric mxer on high speed. After all the eggs have been added, the mixture should have a pudding-like consistency.

The sugar is beaten in, 1/2 cup at a time, until all is mixed in. Vanilla extract and salt are added.

Now the flour has to be "folded" in, 1/2 cup at a time, using a spatula. Do not overmix. The walnuts are added and mixed until they are evenly dispersed.

Finally, the mixture goes into a greased 1/2 sheet try and is spread out evenly.

The brownies are baked in a preheated oven at 300 F for 25 minutes. The tray is then rotated 180 degrees and then baked for another 25 minutes, making a total of 50 minutes cooking time.

The center can be tested with a toothpick. Some people like it chewier and remove it when a tiny crumb or two is still attached to the toothpick. It's more usual to wait until the toothpick comes out clean, then remove from oven. The brownies should be cooled for 15 minutes before serving.

These brownies can be frozen for months when wrapped in foil. They can sit outside the refrigerator for up to five days if they are properly wrapped, and if it's not too hot. They are best right out of the oven with some ice cream.


Well-Known Member
Tincture of Cannabis
A 19th-century medicinal staple, tincture of cannabis was prescribed to Queen Victoria to help relieve menstrual cramps. This is the Wo/Men's Alliiance version.


Vodka (or other high-proof alcohol)
Fresh or dried marijuana


One part vodka (or pretty much any high-proof alcohol) is mixed to 5 parts fresh marijuana. For dried marijuana, the proportions are 1 part vodka to 10 parts pot. The preparation should be stored in glass or earthenware. The mixture needs to stand for at least two weeks in a warm place to extract all vital elements.

Tincture can be drunk, used sublingually, or used topically, applied to the affected area.